I've decided that it's a good idea to start a series of Dream Chaser anthologies. These are the sessions grouped together and lightly edited. I won't make them super professional, this is just a 'for fun' project.
Each of these will have an asking price, but will also be pay what you like. This way fans of this blog can get their collected additions, and donate to me if they are so inclined. If not, no worries.
It's enough to know that you love this.
I've already complied the first one. Dream Chaser: Witch War.
Here's the blurb:
Kiah is the daughter of the Keeper of Brokenhelm, a poor town in the shadow of Great Mount. She, in turn, is under the shadow of her grandmother, Overseer Reema Witch
Weaver. When she struck off to negotiate fishing rights with her grandmother she soon found herself in a mystic and bloody war between Reema and Serene the Overseer of White Haven; she who would be Queen of the Barrier Isles.
Travel with Kiah as she faces the sea, intrigue, and deadly magic. Will her wits, charisma, and spells be enough to ensure a future for her people?
If you want to see the results of an Ironsworn actual play and are a fan of fable/Norse-like, stories, this is for you.
Witch War holds sessions 1 - 18 in a novella format.
If interested, you can find them on:
I'd open up a store on this site, but right now Clover Mouse is just me, rather than an official business.
Even so, I hope you check it out.