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  • chrischallice

Pirates of the Dragon Spiral - King of the Smoke

Pirates of the Dragon Spiral was a small setting book I published in conjunction with PIP Worlds. It's a fun, piratical setting with swashbuckling, spirits, and spaceships. I'm rather proud of it.

The PIP system is a fast and loose TTRPG with enough crunch to customize your game to make something really special. I like it very much and recommend checking it out.

Pirates of the Dragon Spiral: King of the Smoke will be a solo journalling game that uses the same setting and is powered by Ironsworn. I chose such because Ironsworn is so good for solo rpgs.

The Oceanus Galaxy is comprised of both the Unicorn and Dragon Spiral, you are at the edge of the latter, the Smoke.

The rest of the spiral is dominated by the Baronies. They were ruled by a Draco King, but he was deposed long ago. His replacement, ruthless and greedy baronies who rule their prospective houses with iron fists.

The Smoke developed separately as a loose collection of worlds that mostly got along with a few skirmishes now and then. The Fire Nebula separated the Baronies from the Smoke, until 40 years ago, when Barony explorers broke through.

The Baronies are well on their way to dominating the Smoke, but not everyone is taking this lying down. Free pirates are spacers who raid Barony shipments and holdings. The Free Worlds of the Smoke disavow these buccaneers but secretly provide them safe harbor. This desperate coalition of worlds is struggling to find a way to keep the Smoke out of Barony hands. You'll get rolled into their struggle.

I'm aiming for an early Star Wars but with a more roguish feel. It's meant to be light fun with an anti-colonialist spin.

I think it'll be good.

Pirate Siblings graphic commissioned from Ninja at Work.

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