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  • chrischallice

Session 3 - The Skalds and the Nightmare Curse

This session covers the harm of a horrid curse, and how Ironlanders deal with it. There was not a lot of danger, but it did involve grueling work in service to the departed. It also expressed how complete strangers can come together in the face of a great tragedy.

Kia and Gruff spent the night on the beach. The fire was warm, the sky was clear and they gained the rest they desperately needed.

The next morning they hiked up the trail to Raven Falls. It was a long climb but they reached it with no issue.

[Oracle - Are there monsters in wait? No]

[Oracle - Has anyone else been to the village? No]

At the top, and end of the path, amongst the mighty grey fjord was Raven Falls. The Great Hall had a giant raven carving placed on top of it. Bodies littered the square, splayed out in battle, against each other.

[Endure Stress: Weak Hit]

Kiah gasped in shock. Her brother steadied her.

"We must find out what caused this." Kia insisted. Gruff nodded solemnly.

With that, Kiah pointed out the areas of town Gruff should search, while she took the other. They would meet up at the entrance.

[Secure Advantage: Strong Hit]

Kiah's keen eyes spotted a number of clues. It seemed that strength did not matter in this battle, children were able to fell warriors. All of them were in their bed clothes.

[Gather Information: Strong Hit]

[Oracle - What do we find out about the origin of the curse? - Hunt Fear]

She and Gruff met at the town entrance, "They were claimed by a nightmare curse. Possessed and made to fight each other. Horrible."Kiah explained.

"I don't believe the ground is cursed," the bright woman continued, "I think we'll be safe as long as we sleep outside Raven Falls."

Her brother nodded.

"We should put them to rest," Kia suggested.

Again, with determination, Gruff nodded.


The sun was setting, so Kia and Gruff returned to their camp and spent another night. The siblings got little sleep, both chilled by what they saw.

[Make Camp - Weak Hit]

[Make Camp - Strong Hit]

[Make Camp - Strong Hit]

[Multiple Oracle, does someone drop by? Yes, on the third day]

[Are they an Ironlander? Yes]

[Are they alone? No]

Kiah and Gruff started the grueling work of gathering the fallen into the Raven Fall's Great Hall. It was grizzly, hard work. However, they manage to get everyone inside. Everything precious found was placed with the dead, offerings of respect for them to take to the afterlife.

[Endure Stress: Miss]

A few times Kiah broke down in tears, her brother comforting her until her strength returned.

On the third day, early in the morning a group of Ironlanders stumbled upon their work. They were a colorful group of men and women, and walked down the path with a joyous casualness. That was until they stumbled across the Brokenhelm siblings.

Their leader, an older, world-wise gentleman, asked Kiah "My young lady, you look absolutely haggard, why is this, and how come no one is here to greet us?"

Flint, He/Him, Weary, Adventurous, Insightful, Cooperative, Performer

Kiah explained their entire, weary, tale. The old man and his companions listened with rapt attention.

[Compel - Strong Hit]

[Oracle - Has Flit heard of Kia? - No]

[Is anyone from Ravens Fall with them? No]

"I've heard enough. You two sit, my companions and I will finish your grim work."

"I..." Kiah was about to refuse but her brother put his hand on her shoulder and nodded at the stout old mand in thanks.

The travelers finished Kiah's task, and soon the Great Hall became a sealed burial mound. Once that was done, the old man returned to the siblings.

"Come, Kiah of Brokenhelm, join us in song as we send the dead to the Mountains."

"I will gladly," she responded

With that, the old traveler took out his hardanger fiddle and played a sorrowful tune. Kiah's voice echoed clearly through the night, in a lovely song to send the souls of the fallen to the Veiled Lands.

[Oracle: Is Flint from White Haven? No]

When the singing was done, the fiddler smiled warmly at Kiah and said, "I am Flint Fiddlefoot, Skald of Stone Mark, I insist you come back with us and tell our Overseer this dire news. She is sure to reward you."

"I'd love to," answered Kiah, "but we must head back to Great Mount, I swore an Iron Vow to my grandmother to deliver this news to her."

[Forge Bond: Strong Hit]

"You're ironsworn?" the Skald seemed surprised and impressed. "Then I understand. Even so, please visit us when you can. I'll leave word of you, and you will be most welcome even if I am away."

"We will, Kiah answered warmly."

The siblings and Flit's troop spent the night together, drinking and cavorting.

[Make Camp: Strong Hit]


On the morn, Kiah and Gruff sailed off, waving farewell to their new friends.

The journey back is swift. By the second day, they reached the island they had sheltered on. While there Kiah set up another circle and tried to pull more magic into her. This time, she prayed to Charna, Goddess of Iron.

[Make Camp: Strong hit]

[Oracle - Support Vow]

[Secure Advantage: Weak Hit ]

[Invoke: Weak Hit]

[Ender Stress: Weak Hit ]

Carna hit her with visions of battle. Kiah was slain in them, but the goddess was pleased that she stood her ground. More magic flooded into her.

[Make Camp: Weak Hit]

By the next afternoon, they returned to Stone Mount.

[Do people respect Gruff? No ]

As they were heading up to the Hall a voice called out:

"Hey! You'll pay for hurting my brother."

A very large man and a mob of fisherfolk stormed towards them.

"Enough," Kiah snarled. With a snap of her fingers, there was a flash and boom. While the mob was staggered, the siblings fled and hid behind some trees. By the time their foe's vision had cleared, it seemed as if they had simply vanished.

Finally Kia and Gruff reached the Great Hall. They were welcomed in and immediately brought before their grandmother on the second floor.

"So, Kiah" said Overseer Reema, "what did you find?"

Kiah explained the full story. Reema listened with a dangerous interest. The Witch Queen asked pointed questions. Kiah answered, but it felt like she was dodging blades.

Finally, the ordeal was over and Reema, to Kiah's relief, looked pleased.

[Fullfill Iron Vow - Find Out What Happened In Raven Falls - Weak Hit]

[Fullfull Iron Vow - Secure Fishing Rights - Strong Hit]

[Forge Bond - Strong Hit]

"You've done well, Grandaughter. Far better than your idiot mother."

Kiah flinched at that but kept her cool. Gruff sneered, but Remma ignored that.

"Yes," she mused, "I will grant Brokenhelm fishing rights, valuable ones at that. That is, if my grandchildren choose to stay with me for the month."

Kiah let out a sigh of defeat, "Yes, Grandmother, we would love to stay." "Excellent," she responded with a clap. "You Kiah will become my apprentice, and you Gruff will put your might to use as a Warden of Great Mount."

"That is, wonderful," Kiah answered, holding back her apprehension.

Reema's last apprentice was her aunt Reeva, and she ended up killing her brother and being banished.

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