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  • chrischallice

Session 1 - The Doom of Raven Falls

Updated: Apr 30, 2023

This first session of Dream Chaser ended in a direction I did not expect. However, that is to be expected in Ironsworn. The spooky Icelandic nature of Kiah's current quest speaks to me.

One chilly afternoon bright Kiah ran into her weathered father, Tristan, dealing with a group of angry townsfolk. Her huge brother Gruff stood beside him with his arms crossed.

"They're taking our fish!"

"They do that AND ask tribute!"

"We keep Ikram's grave. He'd be ashamed how his mother treats us!"

"I know, I know," consoled Tristan. "I'll bring it up with Solana, and if she's willing I'll talk to Reema myself."

The crowd grumbled.

Kiah stepped in and added, "I'll speak on your behalf as well. I'm sure Mother will agree."

[Compel: Strong Hit]

The townsfolk murmured amongst themselves and their leader, handsome Eleri, answered, "Very well, we'll allow more chance. However," he warned, "if you do not convince the overseer to heed our concerns, we will."

"Thank you," said Tristan, "I know you've all been disappointed before, it won't happen again."

"We'll see," answered Eleri tersely. Then to Kiah, "Good day."

With that, they dispersed.

"Father, do you really think Grandmother will listen to you?" asked Kiah, fretfully.

The cold ocean winds kicked up the waves in the distance and chilled their bones. Tristan put his arms around his children and said, "Never mind that now, it's time to eat." With that, they entered the hall.


They lived in Brokenhelm's High Hall, modest as such went. Solana, the arrogant Keeper of Brokenhelm had servants to do all her work while she focused on sorcery and worship of the gods. Her magic was weak but lured what fish they caught in, it also helped with their meager harvests.

She treated her staff well, they never went hungry.

Their supper was served by proud Reva. She had every right to be proud for the meal of salmon, seaweed, and beer was as tasty as one could hope for. Of course, it didn't compare to the fare of White Haven or even Great Mount, but one could only do so much with poor ingredients.

The family sat at their table and dined. As was Solana's custom, the servants joined them. All kept proper table matters befitting a noble house.

The conversation was, tense...

"I must talk to your mother," Tristan stressed. "Or Eleri and the fisherfolk will."

"They should," Solana huffed, "Mother's wardens will throw the ungrateful lot into the sea and they'll wash back to us like so much driftwood."

"Or they'll go to White Haven and we'll lose our best fishermen." Tristan countered, marshaling his patience.

"Like White Haven will have them." the Keeper snapped.

Tristan stood and roared, "They'd be fools not to."

A cold silence descended as the two glared at each other.

These fights tore at Kiah's heart and they'd' been getting more and more frequent. Both her parents held barbed words, the next throw could break their house.

Kiah ended the silence, "Enough! I'm going, I'll get Grandmother to grant us fishing rights!"

"You will do no such thing, young lady!" Solana retorted.

"Hold Kiah, your grandmother's a dangerous woman."

"I'm tired of you two being at odds." Kiah fumed, grasping her whale killer black iron amulet.

"You put that down, now." panic edged her mother's voice.

"Kiah," her father raised his hand as if his daughter had notched an arrow at him, "think about what you're doing."

"On this iron, I swear that I will convince Grandmother to grant us fishing rights."

[Swear an Iron Vow: Strong Hit]

Another silence fell across the dinner table.

Gruff, blinked in astonishment.


The next morning Kiah stood by a small boat in the harbor. She seemed pensive, she had burned offerings to the gods but got no response. Aside from the weather, which was cold and blustery.

[Invoke: Miss - Lose resources]

Kiah took comfort in that her family was there.

Solana secured her daughter's cloak, regarding her with a mix of consternation and pride. "Be on your best behavior with Grandmother. Remember, what happened to your aunt, if you are banished we would be beside ourselves with worry."

Tristan hugged her, "Be safe."

Kiah smiled up at him, "I'll be better than safe, I'll be successful."

Gruff nodded and put his arm in comradery around his sister.

"Also, I've got my big brother."

"If she harms either of you, there'll be war," Tristan said evenly.

Solana frowned, but before she could retort Kiah cut in, "She won't. Grandmother loves me, she taught me magic, remember?"

"She will be pleased to see you dear," her mother agreed, "just treat her with due respect and you'll be fine."


[Oracle - Does the weather turn terrible before we reach great mount? No]

Kiah and Griff sailed through choppy waters but reached Great Mount with no issue.

Great Mount was in a cove that rose up on a hill, to a great walled city.

Kiah and Gruff reached the Great Hall where Kia formally announced her presence.

[Oracle - Is Grandmother In? Yes]

Her grandmother's wardens saw them inside. The Great Mount Great Hall was a two-story affair, draped in tapestries depicting its hallowed history.

[Oracle - Is Grandmother busy? No]

Overseer Reema greeted her grandchildren on the second floor, at the apex of the stair. "What a pleasant surprise. Tell me, what brings you here children, and where are your parents?"

Gruff smiled pleasantly.

Kiah bowed. "My parents send their regrets that they can't meet you Grandmother, they are busy with our holdings." She paused, considering how best to broach the subject, "As for us, we're worried about our people, we've been told there were altercations with Great Mount."

Reema's cold eyes considered her grandchild, "So you came for them?"

"Yes," admitted Kiah, "and I know we should have visited sooner. Is there any way we can make it up to you Grandmother?"

[Face Danger: Strong Hit ]

Reema held her gaze for a long, frightful, minute. Suddenly she smiled, "What a fine question, in answer I simply request the both of you spend some time with me. A few days should suffice, and then we can discuss your fishing rights."

Kiah let out a sigh of relief, "Of course, we will. You're too kind."

"I know," the Witch Queen laughed.

Before dinner, Kiah sat in one of the chambers of the Great Mount temple. It was a great, wooden, vaulted building, in which wafted smoky incense. As per Grandmother's teachings, she drove all thought and emotion from her mind, leaving a void, in which magic could flow.

[Invoke: Miss - You hear ghostly voices whispering of dark portents. Distract Health]

Magic didn't fill her. Instead, she heard muttered voices.

Find Us

We're cold, so cold

Lost, all is lost

Kiah felt a frigid hand on her shoulder and woke up with a start. She was cold, covered in sweat. The door was open and her grandmother was standing there, she shook her head and tisked.

An hour later, Reema sat with her grandkids by a window on the second floor of the Great Hall. A brilliant sunset graced them, but Kiah kept her eyes down.

"Very disappointing," the overseer concluded.

"I'm sorry Grandmother," Kiah said.

"I blame your mother, she never pushed you."

Gruff gave Reema an odd glance.

The witch ignored him, "However, I will turn your failure into a lesson."

"H-how?" the bright woman asked.

"I have divined the meaning of the voices you have heard," explained Remma. "In short they are ghosts."

"G-ghosts," Kiah gasped.

The overseer nodded, "Indeed ghosts..."

[Oracle - was White Haven wiped out by a plague? No]

"They murdered each other out, driven mad by a curse. All of Raven Falls, none were spared."

[Secure Hate]

"There is power there. Swear to me an Iron Vow child, to discover the source of this curse. Do so, and I'll ensure Brokenhelm has enough waters to fish." Reema's grin was that of a cat greeting a mouse.

Kiah paled. Ghosts and a curse, this was far more than she bargained for. She thought of a lonely town that was filled with horrors.

Gruff squeezed his sister's shoulder and gave her a look filled with determination and courage.

Kiah smiled to let him know she was well.

She turned to Grandmother, grasped her whale killer black iron amulet, and said, "By this iron, I swear that I will find the source of Raven Falls' curse."

[Swear an Iron Vow - Strong Hit]

A hint of pride lit Overseer Reema's face. "Yes, child, that is the determination I wish to see."

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19 oct. 2023
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Great start - looking forward to catching up on your chronicle!

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