The form of Serene's curse is not what I expected, but still pretty cool. She's jumping to using it right away because of Kayan Ghostbeard's preemptive raid. I imagine she doesn't expect her curse to wipe out Great Mount, but she hopes to at least cause damage. She will then move to the next stage of her plan.
A previous set of oracle checks revealed to me what the sentinel's deal is. Such will be revealed later.
The real fun is that Kiah doesn't know, and I hope what follows shows why she's apprehensive about them.
Also, note: Viking is not a people, it's a profession. Kayan Ghostbeard is an Ironlander whose profession is viking.
(What is the being that Serene has allied with? Defy Desolation
- Are they a God? No)
Kayan Ghostbeard and his crew strode into Iron Whale Hall.
Serene, dressed in resplendent green, greeted him. Flanking her was Verena Iron Comb in black, and Kalina the Clever, in white.
"Kalina my lass, you've moved up in the world!" the viking laughed.
The new priestess curtsied, "All thanks to Serene's wisdom."
"We are glad to have her," chuckled the Overseer. "Now my dear warrior, have you brought what I asked?"
"I have indeed," rumbled Ghostbeard. With that, he threw a sack on the floor and a few desiccated heads rolled out.
Serene's grin did not fade.
Iron Comb was unmoved.
Kalina looked disgusted.
"Excellent," the Overseer responded. Her grin fell when she took a closer look at Ghostbeard and his crew. "
Two of them were missing. A few sported injuries. Their packs were fuller than when they left.
"Oh my," she gasped, "you seem to have had a hard time in Raven Falls. Whatever happened?" There was a hint of menace in her tone.
"Well", laughed Kayan, "my brethren and I weren't too keen to return with just heads, so we stopped by Brokenhelm first."
"Oh?" Serene asked icily.
Another nervous laugh from Ghost Beard, "Well, with Tristan Tooth Hand away, we figured Brokenhelm was easy pickings." He stroked his red, white-streaked beard, "Not as easy as we thought, but we managed. Where is the old coot anyway?"
"I imagine he's returned to Brokenhelm to discover we are at war," Serene replied as if explaining to a child.
"Oh." responded the viking.
"Oh indeed," huffed Verena.
"I'm going to go, got to split the loot."
"You do that," responded the Overseer.
With that, the vikings left the hall.
Once they were gone, Kalina slapped her forehead, "Idiots."
Serene cracked a smile at that.
That evening the three met in Serene's frosty garden.
Of course, the Overseer was in wolf fur.
Verena was wrapped in bear fur.
Kalina was in fox fur.
Serene, holding aloft a torch, slowly circled a well, lighting braziers that sat in the four cardinal directions. As she did, she asked Kalina, "Did you memorize the chant?"
"Yes, Overseer," the fox priestess replied.
"Good. The spell will be stronger now there are three of us," said the witch.
"She'll do us harm," Iron Comb warmed.
"Hush," Serene laughed.
Once the witch had finished with the braziers, Serene stepped between her priestesses and lifted the sack before her. "Let us begin."
With that, the three began a chant in the old language.
"Up from the deeps, up you creep."
"Your body is moss, your mind is water."
Serene threw two heads into the well.
"Our will is your will.
Your wish is our desire."
She tossed two more heads into the well.
"Temir Dream Keeper be our instrument.
Temir Dream Keeper be our thrall."
The witch threw three heads into the well.
Suddenly rain began to pitter-patter on the roof and the garden. A heat rippled from the well, turning snow into mush. A slick green hand emerged and pulled a man of dark moss out of the earth and he stood before them.
He breathed deeply, his lungs a bellows that pulled at the mind, dragging it to sleep.
However, Serene stood stalwartly.
Iron Comb was unmoved.
Kalina was too terrified to succumb.
"Hello Temir," Serene greeted sweetly. "I thank you for your work in Raven Falls. Now, I need your magic in Great Mount."
The next morning, before her grandmother and father, with Gruff at one side, and Shush, her wyvern companion, on her other, Kiah Song Hood touched her black iron whale killer amulet, and swore, "I will secure the Sentinel's Help in our struggle against White Haven."
(Swear an Iron Vow: Weak Hit)
Remma considered her vow for a long moment and nodded. "You will see child, the Sentinels will come to our aid, and together we will vanquish those who murdered your mother."
Tristan Tooth Hand just frowned and said, "Stay safe."
With that, the siblings and their wyvern set sail.
(Undertake A Journey - Strong Hit)
The siblings sailed north and passed Great Mount, making good speed. The townsfolk waved and cheered as they passed by, many gawking at Shush, who had to be held and petted by Kiah so as not to get too nervous.
"We should just pass on by," suggested the bright woman.
Her brother nodded.
They spent the night on a small island. Kiah fed Shush a fair amount of fish...too much actually, but was rewarded by a purr and snuggle.
THe wyvern even allowed Gruff to pet her.
The next day they set off, planning to fish along the way. However, in the distance, they spotted another ship to the north.
(Are these Sentinels? Yes)
(Katja - She/Her - Ugly, Oppressed, Experienced )
(Is she investigating Raven Fall? - Yes)
Gruff eyed his sister curiously.
Kiah considered "Let's avoid them. I'm low on trust right now."
Her brother nodded.
(Face Danger: Weak Hit)
Kiah cast a spell conjuring dream waves to overwhelm their boat. Then she, Gruff, and Shush crouched low and waited while the other ship sailed on past. It took a while but they successfully avoided the strange vessel.
Once the ship was gone, Kiah dispelled her magic, then she and Gruff spent some time fishing, both to feed themselves and Shush.
(Resupply - Miss - It is harmful)
There was fish, but something else devoured it. The moonlight revealed a large, black fin. A huge whale killer snatched the salmon by the ship for its own.
Shush let out a growl and whine.
(Compel - Weak Hit).
Kiah petted the wyvern and sang to her, while Gruff kept a close eye on the orca. Shush did calm, but only when fed another fish.
The whale killer drifted on by, satisfied with stealing the sibling's meal.
(Journey Check - Strong Hit)
Kiah and Gruff beached on a stoney island to wait for the night. They planned to scavenge for supplies in the morning and then head on.
(Does Gruff or Shush spot the fleet first? Shush)
Kiah woke up to find her wyvern no longer beside her. Looking up she saw the white shadow that was Shush sitting on the beech watching something intently.
Kiah walked over and peered across the sea to try and spot what her friend was looking at.
In the distance, under the moonlight, she saw groups of ships clumped together. In the distance, she heard cries and shrieks.
(Gather Information: Weak Hit )
Song Hood flitched realizing that the Sentinels were in a battle. The shrieks were inhuman, but Kiah couldn't tell if the Sentiels or the foes were the monsters. The battle was finished just as the sun was rising. The foes of New Hope were sunk and the strange warriors struck off to the north, back to their home.
Shush gave Kiah a look as if to ask 'Really?' The bright woman laughed at that and snugged her snoot.
Gruff was soon up and the two scavenged the island for supplies.
(Resupply: Weak Hit)
It took time but they found seaweed, clams, and fish aplenty. Enough to keep them fed. Shush was very happy.
(Journey - Weak Hit)
(Reach Destination: Strong Hit)
The siblings set sail the next morning and by midafternoon they encountered New Hope.
The town did not live up to its name. It was constructed out of old longships, iron grey, cobbled together and hanging over the sea. Several warriors walked out on their strange docks. They looked powerful but haggard. Some wore whale and beast bones.
The bright woman frowned.
One of the warriors was a woman wrapped in seal hide armor, wearing a wolf skull. A wicked-looking warhammer was strapped to her back, she also had a toothed axe on her belt.
The warrior considered the siblings and suddenly smiled. Kiah thought she spied jagged teeth.
"Vistors! Brave ones at that," she laughed, "Welcome to New Hope. What brings you to the Doom Watch?"