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Session 12 - A Day In New Hope

Updated: Aug 9, 2023

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Battle is perhaps the most exciting move in Ironsworn. One roll leads to victory or defeat. It's exhilarating.

(Sorjurn - Miss - It Wastes Resources)

The wolf-skull woman directed the siblings to a Hall to the east, which was nestled to the island's rock. Between the dock and it was a long boardwalk. The entire town was crisscrossed with them.

(Are The Sentinels fine with Shush tagging along? No)

Kiah and Gruff followed, with Shush tromping along.

"Hold there," rumbled a broad-shouldered warrior with orca teeth in his beard. "Your pet doesn't enter the Great Hall."

(Compel: Miss)

"Shush here is a familiar, gifted to me by Bayara Doom Axe herself. I faced a haunt to secure her." Song Hood stressed.

"Don't care." stated the wolf-woman. She then snarled at Shush, "Now git!"

To Kiah's surprise, her Wyvrn let out a chirp and fled into the sky.

Gruff frowned and put his hand to the hilt of his axe.

"Really?" the woman chuckled, she reached for her warhammer.

"Wait!" Cried, Kiah. Then to Gruff, "It's okay, really. Shush will be back, I know it. We can't afford a fight here."

Gruff eyed his sister critically then nodded and removed his hand from his weapon.

The wolf-woman returned to a more casual stance, "Listen to her, she's got a good head on her shoulders. Now come."


A half an hour later the three sat in a dark corner of the hall on some polar bear fur. A pot of chowder was between them. It was humble but delicious, and nearly empty.

(What do they know Reema by? Gather Creation)

"So Reema Witch Weaver is calling in her debt," stated the wolf-woman, who had since introduced herself as Keyshia Wolfmind.

Song Hood nodded, "We hope you'll join us in fighting White Haven. They cursed Raven Falls and raided my home of Brokenhelm."

(Part of the Sorjurn Miss Above)

Keyshia smiled wolfishly, "I would love to bring Serene low." Suddenly her enthusiasm dropped, "However, no."

"But Grandmother said you owed her," protested Kiah.

"My mother Taylah, and our and her generation owed Reema, not us."

Kiah narrowed her eyes in fury. The Overseer giggled.

Gruff touched Kiah's shoulder and nodded for them to leave.

"No," Kiah insisted, "I cannot leave until they help us. I swore an iron vow."

"You're Ironsworn?" Keyshia laughed.

(Compel: Strong Hit)

Song Hood stood abruptly, as she did the hall grew dark and a nimbus of light surrounded her. Kiah's eyes shone silver and her voice echoed with power, "I am Kiah Song Hood, granddaughter of Reema Witch Weaver, calmer of the dead and mistress of wyverns. There is no need to bow before me, but you will respect me."

The Overseer just stared slackjawed. Even Gruff gave his sister a second look.

Kiah's magic slowly faded and she became simply herself once more. "Please, there is no need to be rude."

"I-I can see that," stammered Wolfmind. "My apologies, I mistook you for a mere sweet talker, I did not realize your words have bite," Her smile was one of camaraderie.

"Apology accepted," stated Kiah kindly. "As you likely surmise, I cannot go against my vow. In that regard, is there anything I can do to get your generation to help us?"

(What Does New Hope Need? Serve Opinion)

(Whose opinion does New Hope need to win? Uncover World )

(Is this town in the Deep Wilds or Flooded Lands? Deep Wilds )

(Are They Elves? No)

(Why are They Angry At New Hope? Destroy Portent)

Keyshia considered this seriously for a long moment. She paused and asked her guests, "More chowder, perhaps some beer?"

"What would be wonderful," Kiah answered.

The food and drink were brought by a lanky warrior who was resting in the hall. He smiled and nodded at his Overseer and she did the same.

It was then Kiah realized that she had only seen warriors in New Hope, there were no servants. She chose to simply enjoy her chowder and beer rather than comment.

Gruff, as always, said nothing.

Keyshia Wolfmind pondered wordlessly while partaking in the meal. Kiah respectfully kept the silence and patiently waited.

Finally, the Overseerer broke the silence, "In my grandmother's time, we were allied with Long Wick. They're a coven of mystics in the Deep Wilds.

One day, one of theirs, a hero named Morgan stopped by to rest. Morgan was a proud shit, all puffed up with some grand destiny. My great Uncle Beltran Warfriend, took issue with her arrogance. They fought; he won.

However, the Mystics were pissed. So angry they cut off all contact, to this day," the Overseer finished with a note of bitterness.

"If it helps, I know what that's like," Kiah offered. "My aunt Ranna and uncle Ikram fought over pride. Ranna killed Ikram and Grandmother banished her. It's been a blot on my family ever since."

Wolfmind smiled, "Yes, that's it exactly. New Hope and Long Wick used to be friends. So, if we are to help you, I would have you swear an iron vow to repair our relations. I would also have you swear to stay a week and learn our ways, you need to understand us in order to speak for us.

Song Hood weighed what she asked carefully, then held her black-iron whale-killer amulet and swore.

"By this iron, I swear that, if you help Great Mount, I will repair New Hope's relations with Long Whick."

(Swear Iron Vow: Weak HIt )

"By this iron, I swear to stay with you a week, to understand your ways."

(Swear Iron Vow: Weak Hit)

Wolfmind watched her vows solemnly. "Yes," she nodded, "that's the old magic. The best magic." She offered her arm, "Welcome to New Hope."

Kiah clasped it "I am proud to be here."


(Sorjun - Weak Hit)

(Secure Advantage: Weak Hit)

(Invoke: Weak HIt)

(Endure Stress: Strong Hit)

(Is there a Hunt on the first 2 days? Yes)

After Kiah's vows the Overseer left the siblings to attend her other duties. As she stepped outside, she ordered, "Listen up you lot, Kiah Song Hood has sworn an iron vow to speak to Long Wick on our behalf. In return, we're going to cause a ruckus for old Witch Weaver. They are guests, treat them as such. Caldas, Kione, to me." With that, she strode towards the east end of the town.

Kiah sat cross-legged in the Hall and prepared to pray.

Gruff glanced anxiously at the door.

His sister grinned and patted him on the back, "Go on. I'll cry out if I need you."

He nodded and walked out of the hall.

Kiah closed her eyes and hummed a song of praise to Leucia Nighdottir. When she felt the stars in her mind, she emptied herself and let the magic flow in. It was hot and sharp, when Kiah came out of her trance, she was broiling. She took a step outside so as to cool off.

(Is Gruff getting along with the Sentinels? Yes)

She spied her brother sparring with some of the fierce-looking warriors. They were laughing, which brought a smile to Kiah's face.

She was nearly knocked off her feet by Shush, who had snuck up on her and nuzzled. Kiah laughed. Suddenly, New Hope was far less intimidating.


(What Does Kiah encounter before the hunt? Search, Time )

Kiah wandered the town and observed.

(Gather Information: Weak Hit )

She watched a town that was constantly armed. Every adult carried hammer or an axe. They wore light armor and sported war paint. However, they carried themselves with a casual humor. They went about the regular chores of day-to-day life. Cleaning, cooking, and building. Everyone lent a hand.

A few kids ran around whacking at each other with wooden swords or playing hide and seek.

"Hey," a long-beared warrior tossed a weighted net at Kiah. She flinched and it fell to her feet.

He nodded down at it. "Wolfmind says you want to learn about us. Come along, fish."

Kiah considered him cautiously. He was grizzled, and old, but had a grandfatherly air about him.

"Very well," she answered.

Hours later they were out on the sea, hauling in their nets.

"I misjudged, you," the old man stated, "I thought you'd shy away from work, but here you are."

Kiah grinned and helped him hall up their catch, "I"m our keeper's daughter, but we come from a poor town, so everyone helps out."

The veteran raised an eyebrow, "I did not know Great Mount was poor."

Kia laughed, "It's not. I'm from Brokenhelm."

The grey beard regarded her curiously.

"When my uncle Ikram died," Kiah explained, while they settled the net with the silvery fish in their boat. "My grandmother founded Brokenhelm as a town to guard his barrow," After a moment she added, "It was a punishment for my mother, who was made keeper. Grandmother was disappointed in her."

The old man chuckled, "Ah, that sounds like Reema." Then after a moment, he frowned, "My apologies for your loss."

"No need to apologize," Kiah answered sweetly.

The old man offered his arm, "Caldas Sun Seeker.

The bright woman took it, "Kiah Song Hood."


They returned to port to find warriors gathered. Gruff was among them, shield and axe ready. Keyshia Wolfmind was in the center of them. Seeing Caldas she gestured for her and Kiah to join them.

"Good, you're here," she stated.

"More wraiths? Already?"

The Overseer nodded grimly, "Friad so, three ships."

Caldas glanced at Kiah, "You know magic? We'll need it."

"Who, exactly are we fighting?" Kiah asked cautiously.

At that Keysheia glowered, before she could speak though, Gruff stepped between them, with a look that said, 'Just trust us.'

To which, Song Hood responded, "My magic is yours."

"Good," Wolfmind sighed. "We go."


(Secure Advantage: Strong Hit)

They struck out in five ships, with everyone taking the oars. Except for Kiah, who stood in the back of the lead ship and sang. She belted out the Saga of Doom Axe, her alto reverberating across the sea. That song held power, and the warriors shouted the refrain, as they did spectral runes traced along their arms, and they were filled with strength and vigor. Their ships sped towards their quarry.

Soon enough said the foe was in sight. Three shadowy long-ships. Screeches echoed from them.

(Battle: Strong Hit )

The two fleets clashed and Kiah found herself in the middle of a nightmare.

The enemy ships were filled with ancient skeletons animated by black sludge. Their open jaws let out sharp cries, and howls. They moved with terrifying swiftness and relentless fury.

However, the Sentinels crashed into them with holy strength. Their axes and hammers smashing the wraiths to pieces.

Gruff was with them, and put in a very good showing, dispatching three of the fiends.

Shush dove out of the sky, and pulled the fiends up and away, only to swoop down again to seize another.

Kiah kept her song up, like a diva in a grand play. Her magic drove the Sentinel's might and strikes so they fought like those of legends.

Soon enough, the fiends lay shattered before them.

The Sentinels knocked holes into the enemy ships, and then they sailed away

Kiah collapsed in her seat, her magic having exhausted her. Wolfmind did likewise in the seat across from her.

"That was, some spell," she gasped.

Song Hood smiled, "It merely bolstered what you already have. You are amazing fighters."

Keyshia laughed and nodded back to where the final haunted ship was vanishing under the waves. "We better be. The Doom Watch's entire purpose to hold the Wraiths back."

It was then that Kiah understood why the people of New Hope always carried arms.

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