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Session 14 - Those Who War and Those Who Guard


Updated: Aug 30, 2023

I expected most of this, except for Kiah's last compel. I was certain Reema and Tristan wouldn't heed her, they'd continue with their heartless plan.

Then she got a strong Compel with a match.

I still couldn't see them surrendering their plan, but her words do have a strong response in her favor.

Given that this is a Saga, something terrible will happen that our Kiah have to deal with.

The next morning Keyshia Wolfmind, Overseer of New Hope, gathered a host of the Sentinel's finest.

20 warriors strong. They were garbed in hide armor laced with animal bones. They were armed with well-used axes and hammers. Each shield was painted with a skeletal hand, their symbol. They held a confident, dangerous air about them, like killers of legend.

They were preparing a black longship with white sails. Riveted with steel, it was a true ship of war.

The siblings and Shush were with them. If Kiah hadn't spent the last week working, eating, singing, and laughing with them, she'd have been terrified.

Instead, the sight filled her with hope.

Keyshia clapped a hand on her shoulder. "Sorry, I can't go with ya, but I need to say here, in case a death ship comes along."

"If they do," Song Hood asked cautiously, "won't you be in trouble?"

Caldas Sunseeker, Wolfmind's grizzled uncle laughed, "There's no worry about that, she's got me."

"And the rest" Keyshia added, "the benefit of everyone in your town being a warrior."

Caldas smirked, "True, even our children could knock a walking corpse flying."

The Overseer rolled her eyes, "Boasting aside, we'll be fine. Just hold up your end when the fighting's done."

"I will," Kiah answered, gripping her whale killer black-iron amulet. "Even if I wasn't ironsworn, I'd still do it."

The Overseer nodded, she then turned to the warriors, "Ya hear that? Song Hood will fix things with Long Whick so I want you lot to make sure she survives!"

Kione Dream Talker, a handsome young warrior, whose armor was painted with bloody claws, answered, "You have my word Overseer."

Kiah blushed.

"As for you," Wolfmind turned to Gruff, "take this" She handed him a shield with a skeleton hand.

The Silent Warden blinked in surprise.

"Don't look so shocked," Keyshia laughed, "you risked your life on a death ship, and don't suck, so you're one of us."

With all due gravity, Gruff accepted, and the warriors cheered.


(Do Reema's Wards Hold off Temir Dream Keeper? For the most part)

(Is Tristan Able To Keep Kayan Ghostbeard from Taking Broken Helm? Yes)

(What Is the Unexpected Problem? Falter Resource )

With favorable winds, the black longship sped across the winter sea. Great Mount was spotted at sunset. The Sentinels found themselves greeted by Reema's wardens.

Kiah stepped forward and doffed her hood so her face was revealed in the torchlight. "Lower your weapons, now," she ordered. "I bring allies."

Sidan Iron Heart let out a sigh. "Thank Charna, we could use some good news." He turned to his compatriots, "You heard Song Hood, be at ease. These are the Overseer's guests." Then, back to Kiah and the Sentinel, "Please, follow me, the Overseer is expecting you."

As they marched up the hall, Kione regarded the sturdy halls and let out a low whistle. To Kiah, he commented, "Your people live well."

"Grandmother speaks to the gods, she gets many rich visitors," the Bright Woman explained.

The Sentinel raised an eyebrow, "So she partakes in holy offerings?"

At that Song Hood turned beat red. "P-please don't say that to her."

At that, Dream Talker laughed. "Have no fear, we're here to help, not enrage."


(Did Tristan Toothand Survive 2nd Battle of Brokenhelm? Yes)

(Did Ghostbeard Survive the 2nd Battle of Brokenhelm? Yes)

Moments later Sidan, Kione, and the siblings were in the greeting chamber of the Great Hall. Shush had flown off to get a snack.

Overseer Reema regarded her grandchildren and the Sentinels with an even, but approving, look. However, she did a double-take when she spied Gruff's shield.

"Your grandson fought the walking dead with us," Dream Talker proclaimed, "it was his valor and Song Hood's grace that won us to Great Mount's side."

"I see," answered Reema, regarding Kiah and Gruff with pride, "then I am well pleased."

"How can my brethren be of use?" asked Kione.

"We need your strength," the witch answered. "Two days ago, White Haven struck us with a curse, at the same time they once again attacked Brokenhelm."

Kiah paled. Gruff frowned.

"We lost many in the raid but be at ease my grandchildren, your father struck many low, and none were able to touch him. Ghostbeard was, once again, driven from Brokenhelm," Reema said grandly.

The Bright Woman let out a long breath at that and blinked tears of relief.

"As for the curse," she added with a huff, "none of my people were touched."

"It sounds like you are doing fine on your own," Dream Talker surmised.

"Unfortunately, Serene's magic did succeed in rotting our supplies," Reema admitted grimly. "Great Mount and Brokenhelm can no longer last the winter."

'I suppose then," considered the Sentinel, "you want us to join you in wresting what they owe?"

"Indeed," Reema answered with deadly sweetness, "that and ensure they are never in a position to harm my people again."


Kiah spent the dead of night praying in the temple, reaching out to Leucia Nighdottir.

(Create Advantage: Strong Hit)

The moonlight filtered in from the temple window, bathing her in Lucia's blessing.

(Invoke: Strong Hit).

Along with her blessing came power, it filled Kiah, her magic was now full, ready to unleash on her mother's killers.


(What is Tristan and Reema's plan of attack? Explore, Debt)

(Can Reema melt the I]ice in the Bay? No)

(Can Reema affect the wind? Yes)

That afternoon the High Priestess Reema gathered her people before the temple and sacrificed an oxen to Bayara Doomaxe. Beside her stood Keiah Song Hood, with her wyvern Shush, who was marked by the Goddes of Disaster herself.

"It is said that the whale killer fears no none. This is true, but only because they fight. They hunt the iron whale, they pulverize the shark. In order to be safe, we must be like this. We must pay back White Haven's wrongs sevenfold. We will hit them with such fury that no one will dare cross us."

At that, the crowd cheered.

Reema kicked the offering into the fire and cried, "May Braya Doomaxe, Thunder Step, Maiden of Rage, Bloody Painter see us to victory!"

At that, the crowd roared.


Soon after the Great Mount war party sailed for Brokenhelm. Remma provided two other longships. One was captained by Sidan Iron Heart, the other by Overseer Reema herself. 30 Great Mount wardens, each with a whale killer on their shield, were their sailors. The siblings and Shush sailed the Sentinels.

That evening Tristan and his wardens greeted them. Kiah and Gruff embraced him. He eyed Kione Dream Talker sourly, and and Gruff's shield even more so, but held his tongue.

Seeing the fortified town of hardened fisherfolk Kione commented to Kiah, "You seem to live more like us than I thought."

"This is new," Kiah said sadly, "I hope you can see my home again in peacetime."

They gathered in the Brokenhelm's humble Great Hall. There they discussed their heartless plan of attack. Upon hearing it, and smelling the pitch being prepared, Kiah asked, "Is this truly necessary?"

(Compel Strong Hit: Match)

Reema was about to snap something back, but Tristan gestured for her to hold.

"This is what needs to be done," her father said evenly. "You're not suited for this," he added.

Kiah's face dropped, "N-no, I need to."

He placed his hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes, "That's why you need to stay here and keep our Circle safe."

Tristan's idea struck Reema and she stood as well, "Agreed, you shall be Overseer while we are away."

"W-what?" Kiah stammered.

Gruff nodded evenly.

"I-I," then with a stern expression she stamped her foot, "No. I'll be at your side father."

"Your Gandmother will be, Gruff will be, our wardens will be and the Sentinels will be. That is why we need someone strong of heart to rally our people if White Haven attacks."

"Your father speaks true child," Reema added, "our remaining wardens would die for you, and your magic is strong. You're the best choice to watch our homes."

At that Song Hood was at a loss for words.


That morning Kiah watched the fleet. Three longships, 30 Great Mount wardens, 10 Brokenhelm wardens, and 20 Sentienels, sail off into the west.

Shush was beside her, but she felt incredibly alone.

Reeva, her mother's old servant, touched her on the shoulder, "Overseer Kiah, the ship's prepared for Great Mount." With a wry smirk she added, "Your throne awaits."

The Bright Woman glanced at Reeva, who never minced words, "Do you think I'm capable of this, or is my father just coddling me?"

"Your father would, but never your Grandmother. You best rule wisely or she'll turn you into a dove."

Kiah chuckled at that. "Noted."


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