Picture from here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/britishlibrary/11149264234/in/album-72157638906393085/
This is short but I felt it right to keep it such. The next session will deal with Tristan's return and possibly Kiah's trip to Long Whick.
Note: An All Thing is a meeting of towns, it's a celebration of sorts but many legal cases are also attended to.
"Wake up, Overseer."
Kiah was gently shaken awake. As she blinked sleep from her eyes saw Reema's most trusted servant before her. Her face was long with sorrow.
"Sarria, whatever's the matter?" the bright woman asked in a concerned tone.
The servant held back a sob, "Your brother and the sentinels are back. You should meet them in the Great Hall."
A thorn tore at her heart, "My father..."
The old woman forced a smile, "He's alive dear, but your grandmother has fallen."
Moments later Kiah, dressed as befitting an Overseer, sat on her throne. Her white wyvern Shush sat beside her. The hall was full of townspeople, her wardens, and the sentinels. With them was a litter and a body wrapped in seal fur, the remains of Reema Witchweaver, the old Overseer.
Gruff was in the crowd, his head hung in sorrow.
"Koine Dream Talker," Kiah's voice cracked with grief, "please, tell us what happened at White Haven."
"As you wish Overseer," he said with a bow. He then told the tale with the skill of a Skald. How White Haven burned, how Reema died, how winter won.
Kiah did her best to keep the storm of emotions brewing inside her in check and listened with noble attention.
Once Dream Talker had finished, silence hung in the air.
(Fulfill Vow: Protect Great Mount While Reema's Gone - Strong HIt)
All eyes were on Kiah and she felt the weight of Great Mount's expectations upon her.
"Where is Tristan Toothand?" she asked.
"He struck off for Stone Mark, to beg your aunt, Ranna Death Sister, for aid."
(Dose Great Mount Miss Ranna?: Yes)
The crowd murmured at this, some voices raised in hope, others tittering with worry.
"My grandmother would be displeased," Kiah cut in. "However, as Overseer I welcome any help she offers. Silth Wave Shaker blessed us with a fine catch but I'm afraid it won't last all winter. I will pray for my father's success."
(Compel: Weak Hit - What Do They Want: Fortify, Rumor)
"Overeer," stated Amara, "we need to be to be cautious. When word of the burning of White Haven comes to light, we'll be seen as villains." Kiah nodded, "You are correct Deep Laugh, however, I am not Reema Witch Weaver. I stayed behind rather than burn the city. Therefore I should go to Axe Brook for the All Thing and plead our case. On this iron, I swear," she stated grasping her whale killer black iron amulet.
(Swear Iron Vow: Weak HIt)
Kiah said this with a solid certainty, but silently she was apprehensive. What blood price would the All Thing require?
Reema was entombed that evening with a grand ceremony. Kiah oversaw it and led the chants and songs. Reema's mystic tools, finest clothes, and rich food were interred with her.
(Fillfill Iron Vow - Learn Everything Grandmother Has To Teach Me: Strong Hit )
It was a somber affair, with plenty of tears but little fear. Afterward, many of the townsfolk expressed their condolences, and many told Kiah they felt safe in her hands.
The bright woman was touched, and she chose to carry their hopes on her shoulders like a cloak.
That night Kiah shared supper with her brother. Though Gruff said no words, they shared their grief in full.
"I didn't want this," Kiah stated with determination, "but I won't turn away."
Gruff clasped her arm, her steel reflected in his eyes.
They hugged and her brother strode away to grab some sleep deeper in the hall.
A moment later Kione Dream Talker stepped out of the shadows. "Overseer," he stated, "I'm sorry for bothering you, but I believe you still have business with us." "I know Kione," Kiah answered, "When my father returns, I plan to leave him in charge. We can then travel together to Long Whick so I can keep my vow to your people."
(Forge Bond: Strong Hit)
At that, the sentinel smiled, "My apologies for doubting you. After we finish in Long Whick, I'll escort you to Axe Book as your protector, if you'd like."
The bright woman smiled at that, "I'd be honored."