Picture found here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jsjgeology/31895780460
This is the 2nd Arc. Overseer Kiah and Great Mount during the hard winter.
(Is Tristan Able To Get Ranna Death Sister On His Side? 50/50 - No)
(Is Tristan Able To Get Aid From The Overseer of Stone Mark? Unlikely - No)
(Does Trtian Successfully Hunt Along The Way? 50/50 - Yes)
(What Kind Of Dream Does Kiah Have? Reveal Faction, Oppose, Possession )
Kiah found herself seated on a rug in her grandmother's barrow. Reema sat before her, as hideous as when she died.
The bright woman was terrified, but she couldn't move.
"Again, repeat it again!" demanded the corpse, though her lips were still.
Kiah wept and repeated the mystic vow her grandmother had taught her. She repeated it over, and over, and over again until her voice was ragged and her being was one with it.
"Good," Grandmother Corpse huffed. "You're ready for real magic. When you learn spells, they'll be branded on your soul."
Kiah nodded wordlessly.
"In return for this gift, when you talk to the gods, beg for my absolution. Serene was seven times worse than I. All I did was meet evil with evil."
Suddenly dead Reema was in Kiah's face. She could smell her sickly sweat sent. The former overseer shrieked, "Demand from the gods they release me from this rotting body!"
Kiah Song Hood awoke and could only weep in a whisper, her voice spent from chanting.
That day she gave a wide berth of the barrow. When Gruff glanced at her with concern, she waved him off.
Despite her prayers, two weeks passed, with no sign of Tristan Toothand.
The siblings were beside themselves with worry but did their best not to show it.
One morning Overseer Song Hood gathered her people inside the Great Hall. Amar Deep Laugh stood to one side of her, and Gruff on the other. Seated nearby was her white wyvern Shush.
"My brethren, I can no longer assume that my father will return."
This was met with murmurs of sympathy and worry.
"Thank you all for your concern. As a daughter I am distraught, but as your Overseer I must push this aside."
Some in the crowd muttered solemnly.
"As you all know, even with our great catch, with have precious little stores. However, all is not lost. Our ancestors sailed to the Ironlands with fewer provisions, and in a worse state. Surely we, within our warm halls, will be able to make due?"
She steeled herself for this next part, "However, we must be cautious, as such I am implementing a ration. This alone won't see us through the winter, but with extra hunting and fishing, we should manage. She turned to the sentinels, "My friends, I'm afraid Great Mount no longer has the supplies to feed you. In that regard, I ask that you return home, aside from Koine Dream Talker who will stay by my side to ensure my vow to your people is fulfilled."
Kione gave her a curt nod, they had talked this over beforehand.
(Compel: Strong Hit)
Melia, a young sentinel signaled for the others to bow. "We understand, Overseer. Thank you for your hospitality."
Elrieh Hearth Heart, acting Keeper of Broken Helm, added, "I never thought I'd see the day we'd share our stores with Great Mount, but here we are. We'll get through this together, as a circle."
The crowd rumbled in agreement at that.
Kiah let out a sigh and silently thanked the gods that her people were so strong.
The sentinels left the next day. They had little supplies but were confident they could make it home.
Kiah and Kione watched them sail off. Dream Talker looked torn.
Song Hood glanced at him, "What's wrong Kione?"
"I-I'm, sorry New Hope cannot help."
The Overseer returned a smile and touched him on the shoulder, "There's no need to apologize. I already owe you and yours a debt, it would be wrong to ask for anything more."
The young man smiled tightly, "Thank you for understanding."
Six days later Tristan Toothhand returned. With him were Great mount Wardens. They carried with them plenty of seal and reindeer.
Kiah was over the moon with joy and rushed out to give him a big hug.
"I'm so glad you're safe," sighed the warrior.
"So is Great Mount, thanks to her," said Amara Deep Laugh.
Gruff gave his father a grin and nod.
Kiah, Tristan, Gruff, and Amara sat around by a firepit in the Great Hall. Toothand had just finished his tale of traveling to Stone Mark and beseeching his sister-in-law, Ranna for aid.
He shook his head, "She won't be moved. Neither will their overseer. We are on our own."
Gruff frowned in disgust.
A grim silence hung over the group.
Deep Laugh broke it, "Given our supplies, even after your hunt, we simply don't have enough. We're in dire straits indeed."
"Three things will get us through this," stated Tritan, "Calm. Rationing. Hunting."
Gruff nodded.
Overseer Kiah replied, "Of course, you're right. Panic will mean the end of our circle."
Soon after the meeting, Kiah met with Kione Dream Talker at another part of the Hall. She sat beside him, and they shared a small meal of jerky.
"Kione," Song Hood said with gravity, "I am so sorry. I know I said I would travel to Long Whick right after my father returned but..."
"You want to stay here," Dream Talker surmised.
"They're my people, and I'm their overseer" Kiah protested, "I-I can't leave them in this winter. I need to stay until the snows melt."
(Test Bond: Strong Hit used Momentum) The sentinel reached over and touched her cheek, 'I..." he withdrew his hand and cleared his throat, "I understand. Our Overseer would do no less. I'm sure she would understand."
Kiah took his hand and regarded him warmly, "Thank you so much for understanding."
"If you don't mind, I'll stay here," stated Dream Talker.
Kiah smiled coyly, "To make sure I keep my word in the spring?"
"Something like that," Kione risked leaning in closer.
"Kiah!" shouted her Toothhand from somewhere else in the hall. "Come, it's time to eat."
Song Hood giggled at that, "Overseer or no.."
Kione laughed, "you still have a father." "And I'm glad for that," Song Hood answered brightly. -----
That evening Kiah held her black iron, whale killer amulet, looked up to the sky, and swore, "On this iron, I swear, I will see my people through this winter."
(Swear Iron Vow: Weak Hit )
A cold wind ruffled her fur cloak, reminding Kiah of how dire their situation was.
(Secure Advantage: Miss - Powerful New Foe )
For the next few days, Great Mount was busy, converting part of the Great Hall into a new storehouse, inventorying every scrap of food, and sending hunters out on scouting missions, in search of game.
Kiah stood in the refurbished corner of her hall, considering the dried meat and fish hanging on the wall.
"It looks plentiful, but we'll need a lot more," considered Amara Deep Laugh.
The bright woman nodded, then both of their stomachs grumbled.
They glanced at each other and laughed.
"Daughter," Tristian cut into their mirth.
"Farther," Kiah answered, her expression turning serious.
"We have a problem, come."
An hour later Kiah, Gruff, Tristan Tooth Hand, and five wardens stood on a neraby island in deep snow. Before them was a battle-scattered clearing that was stained crimson.
There were no bodies. Scattered, broken, weapons and torn scraps of clothing showed that hunters had perished here.
Althus, a hunter in wolf fur, knelt before the scene and gestured to a huge, clawed, footprint, "A Deep Bear, no doubt about it."
(Gather Information: Strong Hit)
Kiah's eyes went wide. She felt a lingering presence, a fear sparked by stories that haunted her as a child.
"Neda Frosthide", her words struck the party like lightning.
"Are. You. Sure?" stated Tristan.
The bright woman nodded, "Tauna Sky Riddle is challenging us and we cannot refuse her trial."