Picture from here: https://www.oldbookillustrations.com/illustrations/illimitable-desert/
A short session. Again diplomacy wins the day. Hopefully, Kiah's skills prove strong with trolls as well.
(Compel - Strong Hit With A Match)
Kiah, remembering Apple Soul's warning, answered the gaunt alfar with caution, "We were traveling to Long Whick when I nearly fell into one of Glush's traps." She rolled up her sleeve to show Atani the raven tattoo on her arm. "Tauna Sky Riddle gifted me this spell to speak to ravens. Your children answered and I asked them how to get past them."
The pale elf peered at her intently, weighing each of her words. The Bright Woman picked them carefully, "One raven led me to Glush's cave. I believe the rest had drawn his wolves away. It's because of their unasked heroics, that I was able to return the hero Morgan's dagger to her mother."
The alfar stood up, he shot a questioning look at a one-eyed raven who sat stood on a branch beside him. The raven stepped from one foot to another nervously and then let out a caw.
Atani scowled at the corvid and then regarded the siblings with a more neutral expression, "It would appear, that you speak the truth."
After a long moment, he added, "I have decided. You and I shall remove Glush from these woods.
It took everything Kiah had not to let out a whoop of joy. Demurely she responded, "What would you have us do, Raven Father?"
(What Would He Have Them Do? Secure Knowledge)
(What Sigil Does He Give them? Arrive Dream)
With a wave of his hand, Atani created a shallow grave at the head of a conifer. He gestured for her to lay down.
(Endure Stress: Weak HIt)
At that, Kiah took a step back and glanced up at the elf hesitantly.
Gruff's hand drifted to his axe, but Song Hood held it back.
Raven Father looked confused, then a thought struck, and he explained, "I am not calling for your death Kiah Song Hood. Simply sleep, and I'll send your dream to Wood Hill."
"Glush's homeland," commented Kiah.
"Arriving in a dream, rather than the flesh will be safer for you." added Atani.
After a moment, Kiah answered"I will do as you ask Raven Father, though I beg a question. Why won't you visit Glush's clan in dreams?"
"They would not speak to me," the elf admitted. "Your words hold power, they may answer your questions."
"Understood," responded Song Hood, she then strode towards the grave.
Gruff seized her hand and shook his head.
Kiah grasped his and nodded towards a tree. Shush was there, curled up sleeping, without a care in the world.
Gruff considered, and let go of his sister.
"You're here as well," Kiah whispered. "I couldn't be safer."
With that, she lay down in the mossy ground. Raven Father waved his hand and the rich, wet soil, covered her like a blanket. It was strangely comforting, in moments the witch had drifted off.