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  • chrischallice

Session 32 - Wolves and Burning Witches

Updated: Mar 26

It's been a while since I've had such a terrible streak with rolls. Even so, this was fun.

Don't worry Kiah's not dead. Yeah, there was a failure with a match, but I still get to decide how that's addressed. I think it'll be fun.

[Does Glush Send Wolves After Them That Night (Likely)? Yes ]

[Is Atani able to hold them off by himself (50/50): Yes]

[Is it raining hard (50/50): No ]

[Make Camp: Strong Hit ]

Atiani Raven Father stood tall; with a wave of his hand the ground rumbled and, to the sibling's astonishment, the earth rose to create a sod hut before them.

"Inside children," the Alfar instructed. In a kind tone, he added, "Inside, you'll find tinder set. Light it, and you will be warm."

Kiah blinked in astonishment.

"Know Song Hood, that my magic is powerful but takes many years to grow. However, I will gladly spend it to keep you and Zhivka's Hide safe."

Kiah bowed, "Then I thank you for your generosity," with that she and her brother ducked inside.

Gruff lit the fire and, true to Atani's word, the shelter became cozy. He stirred some rations into a stew and shared it with his sister.

Kiah let the food and the fire warm her. She closed her eyes and tried to center herself, banish the terror that Aritga had unwittingly stabbed within her.

It was difficult. The night was filled with howls. Thankfully, they stayed far off, peppered by yips and whines of confusion.

Gruff squeezed her shoulder. Kiah opened her eyes to see him concerned but unafraid.

She patted his hand and answered, "It's alright, brother. I know we're safe. Atani's power is keeping them at bay."

Gruff nodded and draped a blanket around her shoulders.

Kiah accepted the suggestion and curled up. She had a, thankfully, dreamless sleep.


The next morning, the siblings found the white wyvern Shush curled up on the roof of the shelter. The bright woman laughed and gave her familiar a hug. Shush let out a chrrr in response.

"Break your fast and prepare. We dispose of Zhivka's hide today," stated the Alfar, seated with his back against a tree.

"Yes, Raven Father," Kiah answered.


Over breakfast, Kiah explained to her brother, "We can't simply burn the hide. It needs to be ritually prepared first, or we'll invite the anger of Zhivka's father Muko."

The silent warden rolled his eyes.

"I know, we're surrounded by curses," sighed Kiah, "but that's the life of a witch."

After a moment of thought, she added, "I am so happy you're here with me, but if you wish to return home, I understand."

Foe Slayer shook his head evenly. His eyes expressed that he would be with his sister till the end.


After breakfast, Kiah stepped into a clearing; in her hands, cradled like a child, was the wolf prince's hide.

She drew in a deep breath and then belted out a powerful song praising Etana the Spider, Muko the Wolf King, and the departed prince.

[Secure Advantage: Miss]

[Face Danager: Weak Hit ]

[Endure Harm: Miss]

Kiah caught a blur of grey and was suddenly knocked off her feet. The world spun and she found a huge wolf glaring at her.

[Enter the Fray: Strong Hit - Gained Initative]

[Face Danager: Weak Hit - Lost Initiative ]

[Endur Harm: Weak Hit]

The beast snapped down and ripped flesh from Song Hood's shoulder. At the same moment, Kiah clapped her hands, and a thunder boom shocked the wolf.

It wined and lept off the witch.

[Clash: Miss]

A second later Gruff burst through the forest, axe in hand. Following him was Shush's shadow.

[Companion Endure Harm: Strong Hit]

The wolf quickly lunged at Gruff. The warrior blocked his jaws with the haft of his axe.

Kiah whistled, and Shush flew down and swiped at the beast. It rolled off the warrior.

[Secure Advantage: Weak Hit]

Kiah directed Shush, who kept swooping down on the wolf, forcing it to move back.

[Clash: Weak Hit ]

Meanwhile, Gruff slid around in an arc; at the first opening, he charged.

The wolf suddenly leaped up, and his jaws locked on Shush's foreleg.

[Companion Endure Harm: Strong Hit ]

However, Gruff's axe cut the beast, causing it to yelp and let go. The wolf rolled to his feet and faced Foe Slayer.

[Secure Advantage: Weak Hit]

"Hey!" yelled Song Hood. "Don't you want this?" She shook the wolf hide before the servant of Glush.

The grey wolf snarled and lept at the bright woman. His jaws snapped air as the illusion vanished.

[Clash: Weak Hit]

[Companion Endure Harm: Miss ]

Gruff was on him in a flash. His axe cut a bloody wound in the beast. However, the wolf moved like lightning and tore the warden's arm.

[Secure Advantage: Weak Hit]

Foe Slayer stepped back. Kiah stood behind the wolf, the prince's hide in one hand, a dagger in another. Shush was crouched in the branches of the tree. There was a moment's pause as the three and the wolf steeled their wills.

[Face Danager: Strong Hit]

Suddenly, the beast darted forward, fangs bared against Gruff.

Foe Slayer did not flinch.

[End the Fight: Strong Hit]

His axe struck true, and the grey one lay dead at his feet.


The siblings and their wyvern returned to camp with the wolf's corpse.

Atani frowned deeply. "An agent got through," he mused.

"Yes, Raven Father," stated Kiah while she cleaned the wound on her shoulder.

"No more preparations. We should tend to the  Zhivka's Hide now," suggested the elf.

Kiah glanced at her brother.

He nodded.

"Very well," stated Song Hood, "Let's build a pyre."


Smoke from their bonfire rose up into the noon-day sky.

Atani's gravelly voice finished a low tune, music that rumbled in the earth itself.

Once he had finished, Kiah picked up with a melodious song of whimsy. A song of trees, and sky, of life. She sent her song into the fire as she tossed the prince's hide into it, hoping the music would lead Zhivka home to the hunting grounds of his father.

[Compel: Miss]

Kiah let out a strangled cry as soon as the hide hit the fire.

This was wrong. Despite the danger, they should have waited till nightfall. She should have risked preparing more.

Zhivka's rage rippled out from the flames.

[Face Danger: Weak Hit]

[Endure Harm: Miss With A Match]

Song Hood threw her magic out to block the blast; it held for a second but she was sent flying. Kiah noticed her hair on fire before she hit a tree with force.

She was knocked senseless, and everything went black.

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