Picture found here: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jacob_I_Savery_-_Six_Landscapes-_Path_Between_Swamp_and_Wooded_Bank_-_1988.153_-_Cleveland_Museum_of_Art.tif
Ironsworn has some of the best travel rules I've ever played with. I loved this little journey. Also, in this session, we get to find out why Gruff doesn't speak.
As they struck off from Long Wick, Owena Wolf Mane eyed Kiah and asked, "Whatever happened to getting us all chummy with New Hope?"
The masked one kept her steady gaze on the path ahead, "I've done all I can. Whether Taylah Applesoul can forgive them for killing her sister is up to her."
[Fullfill Vow: Repair New Hope's Relations With Long Whick: Weak Hit ]
Kiha grabbed her black-iron, whale killer amulet and added, "On this iron I swear, I'll return to New Hope to find out."
[Swear Iron Vow: Weak Hit]
Owena regarded Kiah evenly, then nodded.
[Undertake Journey: Strong Hit]
The siblings, the wolf warden, and the wyvern trekked at a brisk pace through the Deep Wilds.
Owena was as silent as Gruff on their journey.
To break the quiet, Song Hood commented, "It's strange to think we're between Thorn Land and the Black Hall."
[Oracle, what does Owena think of this? Depart, Risk]
The wolf warden paused, "Right, we should pick up the pace." With that, she strode forward at a near jog.
Kiah's eyes went wide behind her mask.
Gruff patted her on the shoulder and grinned, then followed with matching speed.
The skald huffed along.
Shush kept to the air and had no problems keeping pace.
[Journey: Weak Hit]
Owena's march stayed strong, even when the ground became damp and swampy. The party pushed on through the south end of Thorn Land. She only paused when they reached a rocky cliff, lit by the setting sun.
"We'll stop here," the wolf warden stated. "Find a way around tomorrow."
Gruff nodded, and both of them set up camp.
Kiah was too out of breath for words. She stumbled a few feet away and sat on a log.
Once she caught her breath, she pulled out her ritual tools and set up a circle in a patch of grass. She sat in the center of it and let out a humble song to Leucia Nightdottir.
[Secure Advantage: Strong Hit - Burned Momentum]
At dusk, she felt the goddess's presence around her.
She took in a deep breath:
[Invoke: Weak Hit]
[Endure Stress: Miss]
Magic flowed into her. She felt power, but suddenly fell forward and vomited swamp water.
Gruff was at her side immediately. Kiah waved him off, "I'm fine."
He paused and stepped back.
"Truly," she stressed, gathering her ritual materials, and then washing off her mask.
The silent warden frowned worriedly but retreated to the waiting campfire.
[Make Camp: Strong Hit]
Kiah joined them moments later. She reached out and grabbed a spit with some freshly caught rabbit on it.
She lifted the meal to her hood, and Shush pressed her snout to her. Song Hood was about to push her away when Owena suggested, "You don't have to hide."
Kiah paused. Shush ate her rabbit.
"I'm hideous," Song Hood warned.
"Didn't say you weren't," answered the warden. She stirred the fire, "This is your journey, you shouldn't hide from your fire."
After a moment Kiah doffed her hood.
The wolf woman's eyes went wide, "Swamp dug."
Kiah swiped another skewer and munched sullenly.
"Hey," the warden stated.
Kiah glanced at her.
"We owe you. If Apple Soul doesn't fix things with New Hope, I will."
The bright woman's look softened at that. "Thank you," she answered, "that warms my heart."
Gruff considered them with a smile.
Shush lay in Kiah's lap.
The night passed in sweet peace.
The next morning, they broke camp and continued their journey.
[Journey: Weak Hit ]
They turned due southeast, keeping the terrifying summit of the Black Hall far to their right. Rain lightly pitter-pattered on them. Soon enough, they reached a wide river over which a bridge crossed further south.
[Resupply: Miss ]
[Pay the Price: A surprising development complicates your quest.]
The bridge, however, was old and rotted.
Owena hissed through her teeth, glaring at it in annoyance.
Kiah glanced up and down the river, "There's no other crossing."
Gruff frowned, thoughtfully. Suddenly his look brightened. He snapped his finger, and Shush flew down.
"Of course," the masked woman said with a hidden grin. She started rummaging through her pack.
The wolf warden eyed both of them dubiously.
Gruff signaled to her to wait and see.
Soon enough Kiah handed Gruff a bit of rabbit. Shush perked up at that, a rope was around her waist.
Gruff tossed the meat across the river.
[Secure Advantage: Miss ]
Gruff held the rope in his other hand, but there was not enough slack. Shush's dash dragged him suddenly with.
Kiah grabbed him!
[Face Danger: Weak Hit ]
[Endure Harm: Weak Hit]
There was a brief moment where both siblings were yanked to the river, but, to Kiah's surprise, her willow frame held fast.
Shush let out a wine on the other bank.
Gruff let the slack loose and the wyvern rushed off to munch on the rabbit.
Kiah let go of her brother and rubbed her shoulder.
Gruff eyed her in amazement.
Owena voiced their surprise, "You're stronger than you look."
"All the mask," Kiah tapped it.
"Whatever," huffed the wolf warden. She cut the rope and nodded to the happy wyvern, "Will she catch up?"
"Oh yes," answered Kiah.
"Let's go," stated Owena, "We'll find another way across."
With that, they struck off to the east.
[Journey: Strong Hit]
By evening the party reached a peaceful glade, more peaceful for the further distance from the Black Hall.
"We'll stop here," stated Wolf Mane.
The siblings agreed.
Within moments, the three humans, and one wyvern were huddled up by the fire.
Owena glanced up at the siblings and suddenly asked, "Question, why does he have no words?"
Kiah glared at her from behind her mask.
Gruff touched her on the shoulder and evenly nodded.
Song Hood regarded her brother for a moment, turned to Wolf Mane, and answered, "He nearly drowned as a child. After that, he's only uttered a handful of words."
Gruff shrugged helplessly.
"Got it," Owena stated casually. She then continued her meal in thoughtful silence.
[Resupply: Weak Hit]
Kiah woke up rather late. She blinked sleep from her eyes, crawled out of her shelter and asked, "Gruff? Are you well? Why didn't you..." she paused.
Gruff and Owena were fishing. Well, Gruff was fishing, the wolf warden had drifted off with her head on his shoulder.
Kiah giggled and then worked on quietly setting up a fire for breakfast.
The party struck off after Owena awoke and they had their fresh fish meal. Neither sibling mentioned where Owena had napped.
[Journey: Weak Hit]
They traveled an hour to the east and found that the river had narrowed enough for a crossing. The three did so without issue. Shush flew on ahead.
They then pressed southwest, deeper into the woods, finally to pause when their way was blocked by a thorny thicket.
By that point, it was near evening.
"Might as well stop here," stated the wolf warden, "Well reach the trolls tomorrow."
The siblings acquiesced, and they set up camp.
[Make Camp: Strong Hit]
The campfire crackled bright and warm.
They make a stew out of the rations. Owena shared some mead she had brought with her. Everyone, even shush, had a swig.
Kiah told stories to the silent and wolf wardens for the rest of the night. Both listened raptly until sleep claimed them. Then Kiah sat in silence but smiled thoughtfully, thankful for such good company.
The next morning the party broke camp and struck off.
[Journey: Strong Hit ]
[Reach Destination: Strong hit ]
"Everyone, take a look!" Kiah stressed.
Gruff and Owena walked over and then stared in wonderment at what Song Hood had found. The thicket growth concealed a tunnel through it, a well-maintained one.
"Good work," Wolf Mane said.
Owena then took point, the siblings following behind her.
Shush took to the air.
When Kiah and the wardens reached the other side of the hedge, they spied Shush, waiting on a tail off to the side.
"Good girl," Kiah cheered, "We would have missed that if it weren't for you." As a reward, the wyvern was given the last of their jerky.
The stroll down the trail was easy. The bright woods were green and full of birdsong.
Eventually, evening fell as it did, lights began to flicker up in the distance. The humans and wyvern reached the edge of the woods, to see a tall hill. Between the trees flickered fires. "Wood Hill," Kiah stated. Swallowing her apprehension, she added, "Well, time to sample troll hospitality."
With that, they strode forward towards the rocky town.