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Session 4 - The Hooded One

Updated: May 9, 2023

This session determined two things. A) Kiah's grandmother is basically a Sith, and B) magic is most useful when it's used to fill one with awe and wonder.

The next day, Reema sent priests armed with divining tools to Raven Falls.

Kiah couldn't help but glare. Reema answered her unspoken question, thus, "I sent you as a mere test. They, on the other hand, are my true eyes and ears, well-equipped to find the source of the hex. That being said, you successfully determining the nature of Raven Falls tragedy allows them to be armed against it.

Never fear, in time, you will become more capable than them." Then, with a sudden intensity, she added, "In fact, I insist.."

"I-I'll do my best Grandmother," Kiah answered.

"Swear it," the Overseer demanded. Her presence filled the room like an oncoming storm.

In the face of this Kia grasped her black iron whale killer amulet and swore "B-by this iron, I swear I'll learn everything you have to teach me."

[Swear Iron Vow: Strong Hit]


[Oracle: First lesson? - Avoid Truth]

Kiah woke up early the next morning and snuck into the temple. It was crisp and cold, even inside. Kia kept a fur cloak wrapped tight around her, and went into a prayer chamber. There, she focused and said a prayer to Othos the Wise.

[Oracle - What Kind of God Does Kiah Pray to? - Break Pride]

[Secure Advantage: Miss]

Othos answered with only more cold. The bright woman shivered, her breath comming out as fog.

[Suffer Harm: Strong Hit]

"Fine" Kiah huffed. "I'll do this on my own." Despite the cold, she closed her eyes, cleared her mind, and let the magic flow in.

[Invoke: Miss - She collapes]

[Suffer Harm: Miss]

She woke up in the upper level of the Great Hall. Wrapped in blankets. To the disapproving glare of Overseer Reema.

[Compel - Treat Your Granddaughter Better: Miss]

"Fool!" she hissed. "What in the viel were you thinking?" "Just gathering magic," Kia answered. "I wanted to be ready for your lessons." "You've set us back, considerably," Reema shot back. "It's been two days. From now on, you do nothing with magic, without my direct supervision. Do you understand?"

"Y-yes, Grandmother," answered Kiah.

[Endure Stress: Weak Hit]

"Good!" retorted the Overseer, before she stormed off.


Overseer Reema was busy the next day, so Kiah took that time to rest. Sarria, one of Grandmother's servants, tended to her. She was a quiet, unassuming woman of Kiah's age, and treated her more kindly than anyone else in Great Mount. In return, Kiah shared some of her stories.

[Forge A Bond - Sarria: Weak Hit ]

Sarria, under Reema's nose, even brought her children to listen. Kiah was more than happy to repeat her tales for them.

They became fast friends.

As for Gruff, while the fisherfolk of Great Mount were still sore with him, the wardens were impressed with his sheer strength. He did well.

[Oracle - Is Gruff doing well with the Wardens? Yes]


Kiah finished the last note on the ancient song to Othos. After a long silence, something shattered in a far part of the temple.

[Secure Advantage: Miss]

Kiah winced.

"Ignore that," Reema commanded, "Othos the Wise, is also Othos the Wiseass. Don't let him get to you. Close your eyes, call the magic."

The bright woman did just that. A frigid wind blew into her, tearing at her hide, stabbing daggers into her soul. Kiah screamed and fell forward.

[Secure Advantage: Miss]

[Invoke: Weak Hit but with 6 Essence]

[Endure Stress: Weak Hit]

"I'm s-sorry, Grandmother," she gasped, trying to gather her wits. She shook her head, her eyes beading tears, "I don't know why I'm so bad at this."

To her shock, Reema answered gently, "Foolish child,"

She glanced up to see a look of pride on the Overseer's face. "You did it. You're brimming with magic, enough to scatter many spells." She patted her granddaughter on the shoulder. "Now rest. Tomorrow you make use of your power."


The next morning, Reema spoke to Kiah on the western balcony. Before them was the forested, snowy view of the rest of Great Mount Island.

"You are not well loved dear," Grandmother stated.

"At least not outside the hall," the bright woman muttered.

"However," the witch continued, "you can be feared. Fear leads to respect."

Kiah eyed her dubiously.

Reema returned a wise smile, "A little bit of magic, in the right place, will make them fear and respect you. That is what I wish you to do."

Kiah considered this, grasped her black iron whale killer amulet and said, "I swear by this iron, that Great Mount will respect me."

[Swear Iron Vow: Weak Hit]

Reema narrowed her eyes at her apprentice for a moment, then shrugged. "However you wish to go about it I suppose. Even so, I recommend fear."

"I'll show you a better way, Grandmother", Kiah thought.


Kiah spent the rest of the day in the Great Hall, trying to relax, clear her mind, and recover from the harrowing ritual yesterday. The tea Sarria shared hit the spot.

[Sojurn: Weak Hit]

Between sips, Kiah revealed to her friend what her grandmother wanted her to do, and what she swore.

"Great Mount's been terrible to us," Kiah finished, "but I won't go Grandmother's way. I'll earn their respect, somehow."

"Your stories are so good," Sarria praised, "I am surprised they're not enough to sway them."

Kiah grunted, "They won't hear my stories as long as they see a bumpkin."

Suddenly the servant's eyes lit with an idea, "What if they see something else?"

The bright woman tilted her head, "Explain."

"A disguise, look like someone else, draw them, in, and then reveal who you are when the time is right. Win them with wonder instead of fear."

Kiah blinked, then grinned, "Sarria you are brilliant. That just might work!" They then discussed ideas long into the night.


Sarria and Kiah worked long that day to create a disguise/costume for her. She wore a red dress, with a long hood, both with gold trim. They applied makeup to make her seem paler but with crimson lips. By the time they were finished, Kia looked like a handmaiden of the gods.

[Secure Advantage: Weak Hit]

That evening Kiah stepped out of the hall and walked towards the town.

[Compel: Strong Hit]

[Face Danger: Weak Hit]

She strode in a slow, stately fashion, singing the Lay of the Night Mother, a beautiful, haunting song. Magic amplified her voice. Magic created little stars that orbited around her. Magic filled the air with sacred power. The fisherfolk stepped out of their homes and watched slack-jawed as she walked to the docks. A mist rose and she vanished.

Everyone rushed out and chattered about what they saw. They rushed to the Great Hall to inform Overseer Riva.

Kiah, moving carefully in the shadows, managed to return herself, but only after everything had calmed down.

Her Grandmother was waiting for her.

Kiah lifted her hood and smiled sheepishly.

"That dress and cloak was your great-grandmother's," she said flatly.

"I..." Kiah explained but Reema cut her off with a smile, "she would be proud of you. I look forward to seeing what you do next."


The next evening the Hooded Maiden walked back up to the great hall with just as much fanfare and magic.

[Compel: Weak Hit]

Again the fisherfolk came out of her house and followed her, but did so silently. None of them wanted to interrupt her ethereal song.

The wardens stood guard as she walked into the Hall. They barred the crowd from following. As Kiah's voice faded, the folk's voices were raised with questions and demands.

Reema stepped out and calmed them, "It is witch business. It is holy business. All will be made clear tomorrow night. Come by at sundown and we will reveal the Hooded One."

The crowd cleared, but Kiah wasn't too pleased with her timetable being moved up.


The next morning Kia went to the temple to gather more magic. She closed her eyes and prayed to Leucia Nightdottir, "I hope my songs to your mother have pleased you. If they have, grant me strength to sway the people of Great Mount tonight. Do so, and I'll dedicate my tales to you."

[Secure Advantage: Strong Hit]

[Invoke: Weak Hit]

[Endure Stress: Weak Hit]

She felt a spectral cloak wrap around her. She heard Lecia's lay for her mother echoed in her mind. It had such beauty and sadness that Kia openly wept. When the song was done, and she came out of it, her power was restored.


The next evening the Hooded One's song echoed from the entrance of the Great Hall. The door showed first only darkness, until the one they sought stepped out. She sang a hymn to the Night Mother, she who bore the cosmos, each of the stars being one of her tears. The sky was filled with stars, and many swirled above them to the Hooded One's music.

[Compel: Weak HIt]

[Fullfill Iron Vow: Strong Hit]

[Forge Bond: Strong Hit]

Again, the folk were in awe but their silence was broken by questions, asking, praying, demanding to know who she was.

Kia doffed her hood and revealed herself. There was a shocked, poignant pause, then loud cheers. That the Hooded One was the granddaughter of their Overseer, filled them with pride. She was no longer a bumpkin but a Great Mount treasure.

Kiah smiled and shone more brightly than she had ever. From then on she would be known as Kiah Song Hood.

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