Picture from here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/britishlibrary/11006650883/in/album-72157642484575704
Kiah finishes her business in Axe Brook and then strikes off on a new adventure!
[Augur: Strong Hit - With Momentum - Share, Greed ]
[Is the Bandit Camp To The Northeast - Likely: Yes]
[Bandit Camp: Shield River - Ravine - Inaccessible]
Early the next morning Kiah stood on the edge of Axe Book, her back to the palisade. Before her were a dozen crows. Five stood on the roof of a nearby hall. Three stood on another. Three stood on the ground before her. The last sat on the top of a flag poll.
That last one had something in her beak. She dropped that to land in a swiftly flowing trickle from the rain last night.
Song Hood plucked it from there and found a child's wooden figurine bearing a shield. The flag crow let out a caw, drawing her attention. Then, as a group, the entire murder took wing and flew due northeast.
Kiah rubbed the shield with her thumb, a name came to mind; 'Shield River.'
"Thank you!" the bright woman called out, waving to the flock of black in the grey sky.
[Forge Bond Aida White Wing: Weak Hit]
[What Does She Want?: Threaten Health]
Moments later, Kiah stepped into a room on the second floor of the Great Hall, the current abode of Aida White Wing and her court.
Already, her wardens had packed their weapons and gear. Her servants were sweeping and cleaning up after their stay. Overseer Fire Bridge paced in the center of them, looking furious. Kiah's brother, Gruff, stood aside, looking on helplessly.
Aida spotted Song Hood enter. She swept towards her and said, "Ah, Overseer Great Mount. It's good you're here. We must ally at once."
Behind her, Foe Slayer shrugged.
"Aren't we already allies?" Kiah asked carefully.
White Wing beamed and grasped her hands, "Yes, of course we are. Which is why you'll help us against Red Hope, yes?"
The bright woman's eyes went wide behind her mask. "I can't call my people to war Aida," she warned.
Aida's grip tightened around Kiah's hands, "I'm not asking your people to go to war. Just you. We need your magic."
"Revenge for Razeena, yes?"
White Wing smiled fiercely, "Yes, and against Nisus Rat Tooth."
"Not war," Kiah stated flatly. "We will hurt him, but not in war."
[Secure Advantage: Strong HIt]
A tense silence was held between them.
Kiah freed one hand, grasped her black iron, whale killer amulet, and said, "On this Iron, I swear I will help you do a harm to Nisus Rat Tooth."
[Swear Iron Vow: Strong Hit with a Match]
Suddenly Aida enveloped her in a hug, openly crying. Song Hood returned it, rubbing her back. Aida's wardens gave her a thankful glance.
Soon after Kiah and Gruff met with Flint and his troop outside Oak Eye's hall, they were packed and attired for a long journey.
"When you're done, stop by Stone Mark along the way," Flint insisted.
"You're Overseer will have us?" asked Kiah.
"Aye," Flint answered, "he's magnanimous. His suit against Great Mount was all your aunt's doing."
"What hold does she have on him?" Song Hood pondered.
[Oracle: Find Resource]
"She found a new silver mine," said Flint, "the miners are all loyal to her."
"So, I'll be mined if I visit Stone Mark," Kiah said dryly.
"You'll be fine," Flint huffed. "My word holds clout; no one will touch you."
"I jest," Song Hood laughed. "I promise I'll visit when all this is done, and I'm on my way back home."
Fiddle Foot hugged her, then held her at arm's length, "Good. I'll show you all the best when you do lass."
With that Kiah's party and Flint's troop parted ways.
That evening, Kiah and Gruff stood before Cadigan Fire Axe and Morgan the Night, in the Great Hall's audience chamber. Cadigan sat on a throne of light maple, carved in a motif of summer and day. Morgan sat on a dark throne of mahogany. It was carved with winter and night in mind.
Cadigan's court was gathered around. A good-natured murmur echoed throughout the room.
Overseer Axe Brook raised a hand, and the crowd quieted.
"It is my great pleasure," he started, "to present Kiah Song Hood wardens from my own Hall to aid her on the quest that the Goddess Hoolata has placed before her."
Some applauded. A small few looked dubious.
"The first," Morgan said, "came as a surprise to my husband and I."
"But who are we to deny her?" Cadigan laughed. He gestured, and a large woman stepped forward. She was built like a bear, her warm brown dress accentuating such. She had a big smile. "Tio Pride Mother," she said, grasping Kiah's arm and squeezing.
The bright woman was thankful of her mask, no one could see her wince, "A pleasure to meet you."
"Don't mind my age," the hulking woman tsked, running a large hand through her greying brown hair, "I've still got some vigor, and I'm the best camp cook in the Havens. Just ask my sons."
A group of hearty young men let out a cheer. It brought a smile to the bright woman. "I look forward to sampling it."
"The next," stated Cadigan, "Beltran the Watcher!"
The crowd cheered as a tall man walked towards Kiah. He was wearing a grey cloak and carried a solid spear. He knelt before her and said, "It is an honor."
Kiah touched his shoulder and said warmly, "Stand. I am proud to have you watching over us."
The young man did so and took his place in her party. He flashed Fire Axe a stern look. The Overseer returned a smug smile.
"Finally," Cadigan announced, "we have Morter Far Stride." A clever-looking man with dark hair approached Kiah. He gave her a nod and bowed. He turned to the Overseer and said, "Never fear Overseer. We'll deliver Kiah to the gods and back safe. You can count on that."
The crowd roared with approval. This was obviously a hero of Axe Brook. "We're certain you will." Fire Axe responded, but there was satisfaction in his gaze. He was getting rid of a rival.
"Now," the Overseer added. "Let's eat!"
The Great was filled with merriment. Maple mead was the drink of the night. Roast ham and venison were in abundance. Broiled vegetables mixed with dried fruit.
Kiah sat on a bench with Beltran on one side and Morter on the other. They had finished their dinner. Kiah had eaten with her head bowed and hood deep. After one long gulp of mead she fixed her mask back on.
Morter eyed her, "You were burned, yes?"
"Yes," Kiah answered, "a ritual gone wrong. You would not want to see the result."
"I'll press no further then," Far Stride stated.
Kiah asked an equally blunt question, "Did Cadigan press me upon you?"
Mortimer chuckled, "In a way."
"If you wish, after a few days, I can release both of you from my service. You can tell your people that Hootlata appeared herself and said I must do this alone," Kiah suggested.
Beltran raised an eyebrow.
Morter laughed, "It's kind of you to offer, but no." Then, with a conspiratorial grin, he added, "I plan to meet the gods with you and then return and ask good old Cadigan, 'Right, what's next?'".
Kiah giggled at that.
"No matter what, we'll become legend," Beltran added.
"To legends!" Far Stride cheered, raising his mug. The two toasted over Kiah. If her scarred face were capable of blushing, it would.
As for Gruff, he spent the fest with Owena Wolf Warden. They ate little, drank little, were very close, and left early.
The next morning, Kiah, Gruff, Owena, Tia, Beltran, and Morter stood outside the gate of Axe Book.
Owena held Guff's hands and stared into his eyes, "Oh, I will miss you." They kissed while that party looked away politely.
When they pulled away, Gruff looked at her with heartfelt sorrow.
She smiled sadly, "I won't wait. You shouldn't either, but if we both happen to be free when you return..." Gruff nodded.
Wolf Warden turned to Kiah, "I'm glad I could walk with you a while, Song Hood. You'll always be welcome in Long Wick."
"We'll stop by when we return," answered Kiah.
They embraced, and then Owena was off.
"To the north?" Morter asked.
"To the northeast," stated Kiah. "We make for Fire Bridge."
With that she lifted up her hand and suddenly a shadow was upon them.
Tia and Beltran stared up wide-eyed. Morter let out a curse.
Shush the white wyvern joined their group, and they struck off to adventure.