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Session 41- To Fire Bridge


Updated: Feb 22

Illustration from here: It turns out Fire Axe wanted to send our party to the gods using the quick way after all.

[Forge Bond Is the town a Kiah fan?: Strong Hit]

[Undertake Journey: Miss A person or community you trusted loses faith in you, or acts against you.]

[Face Danger: Weak Hit Lose momentum]

The party set off at a brisk pace to the northeast. Just beyond the city they wandered in a vast scrubland.

Shush flew on ahead.

"She has the mark of Doom Axe," Beltran said in wonder, regarding the black axe marking on the wyvern's belly.

"Indeed," Kiah giggled, "there's a story to that."

"Then, by all means, tell it!" Laughed Morter. "Very well," Song Hood acquiesced.

With that, she told of Serene's trap in Bleak Stone Bay and how wyverns nearly got her.

"As I lay on the sprawled floor, I felt the weight of a ghastly claw..."

Suddenly, Beltran pushed Kiah aside and shouted, "Move!"

[Enter the Fray: Miss]

Kiah fell with a cry. However, thanks to this, the spear that had been flung at her soared past. She was in the perfect position to witness an arrow sink into Shush while two more flew past.

[Clash: Strong Hit]

Gruff stood above his sister, blocking an axe strike from one of the ambushers. He returned with his own, burying his blade heavily into the foe's shoulder.

Morter had drawn his blade and fended off two foes with spears who menaced them.

Beltran drove his spear into a bush, a bloody gurgle was heard from the other side.

With a roar, Proud Mother, threw her axe into another bush. She drew another and charged the warrior who sprung out of it. Shush arced high in the sky.

[Strike: Miss with a Match]

The wyvern was struck by another arrow and fell to the ground. "No!" Kiah cried.

[Secure Advantage Essence: Strong HIt]

Song Hood's eyes glowed, and she waved her hands in front of her.

Suddenly, the assailants danced as if the ground were on fire. One even dropped his axe and started patting away imaginary flames.

"Now!" commanded Kiah as she raced for her familiar.

[Strike: Strong Hit With A Match]

Gruff's axe felled his screaming foe.

Morter drove his sword through the gut of one of the spearmen. He swung and slashed the arm of his second foe.

Beltran buried his spear into one of the archers.

Tio drove her axe into the back of a warrior she faced.

[End the Fight: Weak Hit]

[Endure Stress: Miss]

The rest fled.

Kiah was unaware of the victory. She knelt by her wounded friend with her head in her hands. "Oh Shush" she wept."


[Secure Advantage: Strong Hit with a Match]

[Heal: Strong Hit with a Match]

[Oracle (Does It Rain?): No]

"That's the truth. On Jarn's Hammer, I swear it.." The assassin was bound with rope and sitting on the edge of the road. He would have been handsome if it weren't for the swollen eye inflicted on him when Gruff kicked him in the face.

Morter tisked and shook his head, "I used to hate but respect Fire Axe, now I just hate him."

Beltran glowered.

Gruff glared back to the way they had come.

Far Stride clapped Gruff's shoulder and gave him a stern look, "I'm with you, but not now. We'll need allies."

"Maybe the Gods will be with us when we return," Beltran opined.

"I'd believe it," the bound man stared with wonder down the road.

Kiah and Tio sat beside the wounded wyvern. The beast's head was on Song Hood's lap and she sang a lullaby to her. The witch's voice was sweet as berries and bright as a diamond. In the light of the setting sun, wearing her eerie mask, she seemed like something out of legend.

"Burned or no," Morter said breathlessly, "I think your sister has smitten me."

He and Beltran walked towards her.

"Me too," sighed the assassin.

Gruff kicked him in the face once more.


[Make Camp: Strong Hit]

That night, they camped deep in the scrubland.

Shush slept by the fire, the wrappings around her body tight and clean.

Beltran strummed a lute while Kiah sang, it was a new song about their fellowship.

Gruff, Tio, and Morter sat aside and finished some broiled rabbit.

"What did you do to the one that lived?" Proud Mother asked.

Morter chuckled, "Let him go. He's from Red Hope, so returns there."

Gruff sneered and tore into his rabbit.

"I know," Far Stride agreed, "but there's a place for mercy. That one's bewitched by your sister. The more people who know her power, the less they'll be willing to trouble us."

"He's right, you know." Proud Mother agreed.

Foe Slayer sighed but seemed to agree.

Morter put an arm around his shoulder, "That's what I want to see. Restraint. Keep this up and we'll trade your axe for a sword."

Gruff blinked at that.

Morter laughed, "You're an overseer's brother. You're named Foe Slayer, you need a real weapon."

Tio grinned, "Oh, you'll look dashing with a proper blade young Gruff."

He smiled at that.

[Forge Bond: Strong Hit - The Assasin is a Fan ]

[Invoke: Strong Hit]

Before Kiah went to bed, she stared up at the stars and bright, silver full moon and cleared her mind. Magic flowed into her.


[Journey: Weak Hit]

[Resupply: Burn Momentum - Weak Hit]

They made little progress the next day. Shush had to walk, it was awkward. Suddenly, Tio lifted the surprised wyvern on her shoulders. Everyone laughed, but it worked, their pace improved.

As they traveled, Mortre and Beltran speared a few more rabbits.


[Make Camp: Weak Hit]

That night Kiah and Beltran worked on their song while the rest relaxed, again enjoying fresh skewers.


[Journey: Strong Hit]

The next day, after a hearty rabbit breakfast, Shush was able to fly, and the party cheered as she wheeled through the sky.

"Fire Axe will pay for almost taking that from her." Kiah mused darkly.

"He will indeed," agreed Morter.

Gruff nodded.

They clambered to the top of Red Stone Hill as the Sun began to set. The landscape continued to rise.

Song Hood paused to catch her breath. "We should continue," stated Beltran. "We can reach Fire Bridge by dark."

"Fine," Kiah huffed, "we'll do that....eeeee!"

Tio lifted her like a child. "Up we go," and started jogging.

Again, the party laughed.

[Journey: Miss - The Situation Worsens]

[Endure Harm: Strong Hit]

Unfortunately, as Tio raced up the next path, her foot hit a stone, she tripped, and Kiah went toppling down the hill. "Yaaaaaaaa!"

Gruff let out a cry and raced down afterward. The party followed. Shush dived down towards her mistress.

They found Song Hood sprawled on the grass below. Shush, nuzzling her to the point where she couldn't get up.

Gruff knelt beside her and pushed Sush's muzzle away.

Kiah groaned but was able to sit up with her brother's help.

Next to reach her was Beltran. "Can you stand?" He held out his hand.

"I think so," Kiah stated. He helped her up, thankfully she seemed steady.

Morter and Tio were next to arrive.

"I am SO sorry, dear." Proud Mother bemoaned. "Please forgive me."

"It's fine," Kiah responded, waving her concern off. She took a few steps, they did not falter. "See?" she added brightly. "No harm. Now, let's get to Red Bridge."

[Journey: Strong Hit]

[Reach Destination: Strong Hit]

With that, they made a determined march up the hill. Kiah using the butt of her long spear for a walking staff. The way going was steep and hard. All of them, except Tio and Shush ended up sweating and struggling for breath.

Night had fallen by the time they reached the top of the valley. However, it was worth it.

Before them was the open gates of Fire Bridge. Its stone walls towered high, the lights of the city held a flickering, welcoming light.


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