Picture from here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/britishlibrary/11146530436/in/album-72157638906393085 Kiah's iron vow forces her into Fire Bridge/Red Hope politics.
[Sourjurn: Weak Hit - Burned Momentum]
As Kiah's party approached the open gate, a well-dressed group stepped forward to greet them. At their head was a demure young woman, "Greetings, Kiah Song Hood. Mistress White Wing welcomes you into her domain." Oddly, her eyes remained closed.
She gestured to the waiting attendants, "Your allies will go with them, where they will be given the best hospitality."
She held out her hand, "You and your wyvern will come with me so you may partake in our healing baths."
Kiah instinctively touched her side and winced behind her mask, "How did you know I was hurt?"
"We have our ways," the servant woman answered cryptically. Then, in a warmer tone, "We also know you've been betrayed, but beg you not to fear us. Our Overseer thinks of you as a sister, and I'm sure she'll come running as soon as she knows you're here."
Kiah considered and stated to her party, "I trust her."
Gruff nodded.
Morter said, "Agreed. Besides, we can ill afford to stand alone."
With that, they split up.
Soon after, Kiah was soaking in a large stone bathhouse. The water was warm and soothing.
The servant, Saskia Sleep Walker, scrubbed her back. Her eyes were still closed, so Kia felt comfortable setting her mask aside.
Shush was curled up at the far end, most of her in the water. Asleep. Her bandages had been removed, revealing the scars where arrows had pierced her.
"I feel so much better already." Song Hood sighed.
She pooled up the water in her hands and washed her burn-scarred face. Her fingers felt something akin to dragon hide; her face felt nothing.
An idea popped into her head, "Pardon me for asking, but did they send you because you can not see?"
"I can see, in a way," stated Sleep Walker, "thanks to the magic of Kuron Grave Eye."
"Kuron?" Kiah asked. Before Saskia could answer, Adia White Wing barged in. "Finally y-you're..."
She started at Kiah aghast.
Kiah stared back in fright.
[Endure Stress: Miss]
"Don't look at me!" Kiah cried, scrambling to put her mask on.
"Gods," Aida gasped.
Sleep Walker frowned and chided, "Mistress..." "I'm sorry," stammered Overseer Fire Bridge, "So, sorry, I should have announced myself."
Kiah tried to master herself, but something about that look hurt deeper than any wound, she could only sob.
"Overseer, your clothes!" Saskia admonished.
"Hush," stated Adia, Kiah felt her hand on her shoulder.
"It's alright," she said gently, "I was taken aback, but you have nothing to fear from me. We're sworn allies, remember?"
Kiah slowly removed her mask and glanced up at Aida.
The young woman was dressed in her finest, now soaked. Her expression was one of regret and pity. She reached out and touched Kiah's scarred visage.
"I heard the story, but I didn't know it was this bad," White Wing said.
Kiah let out a meek laugh, "I think I know how to fix it. I just haven't had time."
Adia's expression turned to one of dedication, "Then I swear to help you, whether we succeed in harming Nicus or not."
Kiah smiled as much as she was able, "Thank you, my friend," she squeezed her hand.
[Oracle: Beyond the death of Razeena Lion Roar, what beef does Fire Bridge have with Red Hope? Restore, Faction]
[Oracle: How Does Aida and Grave Eye Want To Get Revenge on Nisus? Reduce, Enemy]
[Oracle: How Do They Plan To Make A Fool of Nisus? Abandon, Weapon]
[Oracle: What kind of sword is it? Refuse, Portent]
After her bath, Kiah was dressed in fresh, fine clothes. Then, Adia and Saskia lead her out of the bathhouse. Shush was left behind, sleeping blissfully.
"I know you're tired," Aida said, "but I must beg a little more of your time. My grandfather, the previous overseer, Kuron Grave Eye, wishes to speak to you."
Kiah stretched, "I'm fine. I'd love to see him."
"He is strange," Saskia warned.
"That's okay," Song Hood assured, "I'm used to strange."
The three strode down the street. A warden who encountered them bowed. White Wing acknowledged him and signaled to continue his patrol. They turned towards the Great Hall. It was two stories and built with solid stone. Rather than enter, they walked along the western wall till they reached a large burrow. A light flickered inside.
"This is what Saskia means. My grandfather is a wizard, and his ways are," she let out a sigh, "bizarre."
Kiah smiled behind her mask and touched Aida's arm, "It's fine. I've seen stranger."
They entered the barrow to find a large, earthy room. Inside was a bed. A table. Shelves stocked with jars, herbs, and skulls. A caldron on a fireplace. Smokless torches lit it.
Seated on a chair was an old man dressed in faded finery. He wore a crown of bone. His eyes were blue and sharp. He rose as the three entered. "Ah, Kiah Song Hood. Welcome!"
[Compel: Strong Hit]
"Kuron Grave Eye, it's a pleasure to meet you," she clasped his arm.
The old man smiled, "You are certainly more polite than your grandmother." He looked her up and down, "And nearly as powerful as well. Excellent, excellent! Sleep Walker, mead!"
"Yes, Kuron," she answered and went to a cask.
"Sit, sit." the old man gestured to two nearby chairs.
Aida and Kiah did so.
"I knew you were coming, Song Hood; I foresaw it!" Kuron stated.
"Prophesy? You have me at a disadvantage, sir. That is not magic I possess," Kiah admitted.
"Help us, Kiah, and you may learn it," pledged the wizard.
They paused while Saskia handed each of them a mug of mead. Aida thanked her, and Sleep Walker retreated to clean Grave Eye's room.
"Grandfather warned me that the Althing would be trying, but I must befriend one who wears a mask," Aida explained. Then, warmly, "I'm glad I did."
"Glad to be befriended, " the bright woman responded.
Grave Eye, after taking a long draught, sighed and said, "Let's get down to business. Overseer Great Mount, do you have the power to make someone invisible?"
[Secure Advantage: Strong Hit]
"Not quite. However, I can make people seem like something else." With a gesture, Kiah vanished, and in her place sat a Mouse Song Hood, complete in dress and mask.
"How cute!" Aida gushed.
"That will do nicely," Kuron judged.
Enjoying her trick, Kiah kept the glamor up and asked, in a squeaky voice, "How may this magic aid you?"
"Red Hope was founded by my Uncle Del the Dagger. A thief and scoundrel. His greatest theft was my father's sword, Fate Render. Over the years, his bandit camp became what Red Hope is today."
"I see," mused Song Hood, "How did it become a circle?"
"Nicus's doing," fumed Aida. "He got Axe Brook, Great Mount, and White Haven to recognize them."
"Grandmother," Kiah huffed, dropping the illusion to become herself once more. After a long thought, she added, "My apologise, but it's too late to rescind my Grandmother's ruling."
"We understand," said Aida.
"If you help us steal Fate Render back, all will be forgiven," added Kuron.
Song Hood straightened in understanding at that, "I see. You want my magic to cloak your thieves."
"Precisely," Grave Eye answered.
Kiah frowned behind her mask. While she wanted nothing more than to help Aida, the overseer in her was loathe to get involved with outside politics.
She touched her black iron whale killer amulet.
A vow was a vow.
"Of course, I'll help."