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Session 5 - To White Haven


Updated: May 23, 2023

[Oracle Grandmother's Next Lesson - Uphold, Ability]

[Sorjurn: Weak Hit]

Winter progressed and ice bobbed between the Barrier Isles. Everyone wrapped themselves up or stayed by the fire to keep warm.

Kiah was in demand. She visited every important person in Great Mount to share stories, songs, and enjoy feasts. It was lovely and exhausting work.

[Do both of Kiah's parents visit? No]

When the skald returned to the Great Hall, her father Tristan was there to see her. Kiah let out a cry of joy and rushed up to hug him. Even with one hand, the warden was able to lift her.

Before they could talk, Sarria cut in, with an apologetic look, "The Overseer wishes to share tea with both of you."

"Tell her we'll be there in a moment," Tristan grumbled.

"She's rather insistent," Sarria pressed.

"It's okay," Kiah said, she took her father's arm, "I'm just happy you're here. Let's see Grandmother together."

Tristan sighed but acquiesced.

[Compel: Convince Grandma to allow my brother and I some unsupervised time with our father: Weak Hit]

As always, Sarria's tea was on point. The conversation was strained. Tristan was thankful that fishing rights were finally given to Brokenhelm, and stressed how they should barely make it through the winter now. Grandmother accepted his 'thanks' and subtly lorded over him that she was in control of both his children.

Kiah did her best to deflect and distract to keep both of them from tearing into each other. Gruff was bored and oblivious until the Overseer favored him with some mead instead of tea.

In an effort to ease tensions, Kiah said, "I am Grandmother's apprentice now and learning so much magic from her. I'd really like to show you and Mom sometime." The bright woman stressed the last part.

Tristan caught what his daughter was trying, and raised an eyebrow.

Reema paused and smiled, pondering Kiah showing up her untalented daughter. "Yes, you certainly must do that..." a thought broke her out of her reverie, "but not now. I'm sending you to White Haven."

"No," responded Tristan, "the way is too dangerous in the winter."

"That's why you, Gruff, and three of my wardens will escort her," Grandmother stressed.

The earnestness of Reema's command struck the old warden silent. The graveness of it even broke through Gruff's love of mead.

"I trust word of Ravens Fall reached you?" the Overseer asked.

"Aye," answered Tristain solemnly.

"My priests have traced the thread of the curse to White Haven. They need to press further. Kiah, will provide the cover they need."

"I don't like this," the old warden rumbled.

"Your child is a grown woman," Reema countered, "and her talents are needed for our circle. Make no mistake, I will have her back safely, that is why you will be with her."

Tristan considered this, then turned to his daughter, "What do you say?"

Kiah grasped her black iron whale killer amulet and declared, "By this iron, I swear I will give cover for Grandmother's priests in White Haven."

[Swear Iron Vow - Strong Hit]

Grandma nodded. Her father squeezed her shoulder, tears of pride beading in the corners of his eyes.


They would leave in the morning. After tea Tristan took Gruff out of the Great Hall. He shouldered a shield and drew his sword. To his son, he said, "Show me what you're made of."

Gruff smiled, shouldered his shield, and pulled his axe.

Then father and son clashed.

(Oracle - Does Gruff Win? No)

(Oracle - Is Gruff impressive in defeat? No)

Within moments Gruff's shield was shattered, his axe knocked away, and he was at the point of his father's blade. Tristan shook his head, "We'll take this up along the way. You MUST do better."

Gruff nodded.

The Ovseer's wardens were slack-jawed at Tristan's prowess.


Early the next morning Kiah was brought to Overseer Reema. She met her deep in the temple. The witch had finished burning an offering to Bayara Doom Axe

(Oracle - Who is Reema praying to? Destroy Battle)

"Excellent timing," Reema said, "I have just finished attempting to appease Bayara."

"You think there'll be war?" the bright woman asked, flabbergasted.

"It's possible," Reema answered evenly, "but let us hope it doesn't come to that."

"Right," Kiah huffed.

"Regardless, my dear, your lessons continue, even on this excursion," Remma stressed.

'Really?' the young woman thought. She swallowed the question though.

"White Haven," the witch explained, "holds powerful magic. Your lesson will be, to bring something back. The more useful it is, the better."

"I don't have to steal anything do I?" Kiah asked, exasperated.

Reema chuckled, "No dear. Secure it, however, you see fit. Preferably in a way that doesn't cause trouble." Kiah nodded, grasped her black iron whale killer amulet, and declared, "On this iron, I swear, I will bring some magic back from White Haven."

[Swear an Iron Vow - Miss - Will be tested by Bayara]

Reema frowned and glanced back at Bayara's alter, and muttered, "Very good dear, just be careful."


The next morning Kiah, Tristan, Gruff, and three of Reema's wardens, Qamar, Torrens, and Maya, boarded Tristan's ship.

Overseer Reema was there to see them off. "My priests have gone on ahead, do not keep them waiting. Kiah, my dear, cast over White Haven dreams and fantasies of the like they will never forget. When you're done, stay only as long as is prudent and then head home, but remember your lesson. When you return, I'll have more tasks for you."

"Yes Grandmother," Kiah replied.

"Gruff my dear, watch your father. While he's insolent and crude, he is also an exemplary warrior. Observe closely, and I'm sure you'll surpass him."

Gruff grinned, Tristan grumbled.

"Reema," the old Warden said with a nod. He then pushed away from the dock.


(Oracle - Is there any problems returning to Brokenhelm? No)

Before making for White Haven, Tristan docked in Brokenhelm. "We're staying the night," the old warrior stated.

Given his showing earlier, the three wardens did not argue.

[Sorjurn: Miss]

With that, they docked and spent the night in Brokenhelm's Great Hall. Solana was overjoyed to see her son Gruff and embraced him gladly. However, she greeted Kiah cooly, "Greetings oh apprentice of Reema."

"Mother..." Kiah began.

"She had no choice," Tristan cut in, "you know how your mother is."

Solana glared at him, and simply answered, "Dinner is prepared, let us eat."

Great Mount's wardens were surprised at Brokenhelm's manners. The food was sparse, though delicious. The servants ate with them.

[Compel: Weak Hit ]

"Mother, I meant no disrespect by serving Grandmother. I hope when I've learned all I can and she releases me, that I can put what I learned into Brokenhelm's service, and bring prosperity to both our towns."

The Keeper considered this, and nodded, "Perhaps you can." Then with a sigh, she opened her arms, "I'm sorry dear, you know how she gets to me."

Kiah gladly hugged her.

After this Tristan brought up their trip to White Helm.

"Very well," Solana said, "however, either you or Gruff will stay with me."

"What?" Tristan stammered.

"Brokenhelm has been left unprotected long enough."

Tristan considered this for a long moment, then, offered"Your grandmother's wardens will stay."

"What?" Torrens stammered.

"Great Mount and Brokenhelm must learn to get along. To do so requires familiarity. So you three stay till we return." With a fierce grin, he added, "I insist."

"Y-yes, of course, we'll stay," stammered Maya.

Solana shared a smile with her husband for the first time in years, most pleased to get something over on her mother.


They struck off the next day. Solana's good mood had carried over and she embraced each of her family before they got into the boat.

To Gruff, "Be strong and safe."

To Kiah, "Come back to us safely daughter."

To Tristan, "Watch over our darlings."

"I will, I swear it," he answered. They parted with a kiss.


[Undertake Expedition: Strong Hit]

They made good progress on the first day, the chill winter wind pushing them through the sea. Under Tristan's instruction, Gruff navigated their ship skillfully between the icebergs.

[Undertake Expedition: Weak Hit]

That evening, they pulled up on a rocky island for the night.

"Kiah, set up the camp, Gruff and I will fish," Tristan said.

"Yes father," Kiah responded as her father and brother went further down the beach.

(Bayara's Ordeal: Advance - Risk )

(Oracle: Primordial or Haunt? Haunt)

While Kiah set up the camp, the air became very still and cold. It happened slowly, by the time the bright woman noticed something wrong, she was already shivering.

She heard a stone skitter behind her. She turned and saw a gaunt visage with white hair, it screamed in her face.

(Endure Stress: Weak Hit )

With a cry of abject fear, Kiah jumped back.

"I can tear down mountains, or build them up. I can blind a man, or enable him to see. What am I?" The creature hissed.

[Face Danger: Weak Hit]

"I...I" the bright woman stuttered.

"Kiah! We're coming!"

"Answer now or I kill them!" the ghost snarled.

[Endure Stress: Weak HIt]

"Sand! It's sand!" Kiah cried.

The creature smiled and nodded. "Fear did not dull your mind, Bayara Doom Axe is pleased." with that it vanished.

"Kiah!" her father had arrived.

The bright woman threw herself in his arms and wept.


[Resupply: Strong HIt]

When Kiah recovered her senses, she explained to her father and brother about the haunt she encountered.

"A test from Doom Axe then," Tristian mused, "you saved our lives. It would have killed us"

All the color drained from Kiah's face. Her father put a steadying hand on her shoulder and said, "I'm proud of you. Proud of you both. Look what your brother caught."

Kiah glanced up and saw Gruff with a huge fish.

"Good food will calm your nerves, let's eat," said the old warden.

[Make Camp - Strong Hit]

The food was indeed good, by morning Kiah felt better.


[Undertake Journey: Weak Hit]

[Make Camp: Weak Hit]

Sailing went well that day. They made camp at the mouth of a river, and it went blessedly without issue. Kiah slept well and was refreshed the next morning.

The haunt was still on her mind but faded.

[Secure Advantage - Miss]

[Undertake Journey: Weak Hit]

The way to White Have from that island was frozen. Tristan pulled out snow shoes from his boat. They then took everything they could and made a careful way across the frozen sea, towards the rising smoke of the city.

Suddenly the ice cracked!

[Face Danger: Strong Hit]

Kiah moved with surprising swiftness. Desperate strength filled her and she pulled her brother back before he could fall through the ice.

Guff stared at the open hole in astonishment, then patted his sister's head.

"Good, very good," Tristan said, swallowing his own fear. "Excellent work Kiah. Now let's proceed more carefully." They all agreed,

They reached White Haven with no further complications, at least, outside the city.

[Finish and Expedition: Weak Hit]


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