My previous Norse fiction writing is definitely affecting this playthrough.
In my Ironsworn there are no inns or taverns; one simply invokes the right of hospitality at a hall that can accommodate them. Of course, one can overstay their welcome.
While beds exist, they're only for the powerful. Most folks sleep communally on benches.
The Norse had slaves; slavery was rampant. However, there is no slavery in my Ironsworn. Servants are certainly lower class but are compensated and can leave their employers if mistreated. Though low on the social totem pole, they are an important part of society and tend to hold secrets that would make Skalds blush.
(Oracle - What problem do we run into, in White Haven? - Depart, Ruin)
As Kiah and her kin reached White Haven, they stumbled into armed men heading out.
"Gentlemen," Tristan greeted and stepped aside, not wanting to start trouble.
Their leader, a broad-shouldered warrior with a red beard with a large white streak, paused and peered at the old warden. "You're Tristan Tooth Hand," he stated. At this, his band blinked in amazement.
Kiah peered at them and frowned.
(Gather Information - Weak Hit)
"A pleasure to meet you," Tristan greeted gruffly and offered his hand.
The warrior clasped it and laughed, "Kayan Ghost Beard, and likewise. It's too bad we're heading out. Otherwise, I'd treat you to a drink in my hall."
"A later time then, fair travels," Tristan responded.
"Welcome to White Hall; you'll not find our hospitality lacking." Ghost Beard declared. With that, he and his men struck off.
Kiah tugged on the old warden's sleeve, "Father, never accept that drink. There's a cruel air about him."
Tristan nodded, "I picked up on that as well. Let's hope not everyone in White Haven is the same."
As they made their way through the city, Kiah and Gruff couldn't help but gawk. It was walled like Great Mount but in stone, not wood. Many halls were two-storied and painted of the sea with white-crested waves.
Tristian smiled and whispered to them, "If you think this is grand, just wait till you see what lies in the Havens."
"We'll definitely have to go." Kiah declared. Gruff nodded.
They walked up to the White Haven Great Hall. It was a solid full three stories. Its roof was a sculpted Iron Whale in grey. Three guards lounged about outside but came to life as the travelers approached.
(Sorjun - Strong Hit)
"Hold," said the first, hand casually resting on his axe. "The Hall is closed; invoke the hospitality right at any of the other fine dwellings below." He gestured to the halls they had passed.
The old warden stepped forward, "I am Tristan Tooth Hand, husband of Keeper Solana Reemadottir of Brokenhelm. This is my son Gruff and daughter Kiah Song Hood. We request an audience with Overseer Serene. If you insist, we'll lodge elsewhere and return in the morning."
The long-bearded guard considered this a moment and responded, "My apologies, of course, you and yours are welcome. The Overseer has retired for the night, but you'll find food and comfort on our benches," he gestured them inside.
The entrance chamber was open but warm, with a crackling fire pit. Stew was bubbling in a cauldron above. A young woman with a beaming smile greeted them, "Why hello there, welcome to Iron Whale Hall. You must be cold, please make yourselves comfortable, and I'll get you some food."
"Thank you," responded Tristan, and the three did just that.
Once inside, the hospitality was indeed good. The cod stew was warm and delightful. They were given blankets and each a space on the benches.
(Oracle: Are there other travelers/diplomats here? No)
There was plenty of room, for there were no other visitors. The greeter introduced herself as Kalina; she chatted with them kindly.
(Is Gruff taken with her? No)
Kiah spoke for them, explaining, mixing the truth with her lie, that Skald Flint of Stone Mark invited her to sing for his court. Kalina was impressed and asked for a tune. Kiah obliged.
(Compel: Weak Hit - What Does She Ask? Debate - Greed)
Her voice rang clear, and powerful, even without instrumentation. The servant blinked in true surprise, "Y-you are indeed a treasure. You simply must sing for my lady tomorrow."
"It would be an honor," Kiah replied warmly.
With that, they spent the night on the benches. As comfortable as it was, Kiah found herself waking up in the middle of the night to see her father brooding by the fire.
The bright woman approached him, "What bothers you, father?"
"Kayan Ghost Beard," he replied grimly, "I've got a bad feeling about him."
(Gather Information: Weak Hit)
"You want to return to protect Brokenhelm, don't you?" Tristandottir asked.
The old warden grimaced and said nothing. That was enough of an answer.
"You should go," Kiah stressed, placing her hand on his shoulder, "we'll be fine. Gruff is here with me.
(Compel: Strong Hit )
"Your grandmother will be furious," he huffed, then, after a moment, he gave her a piercing look, "You will be okay on your own? You will return to us?"
Kiah grabbed her black iron whale killer amulet, "On this iron, I swear Gruff and I will return home safely."
(Swear and Iron Vow: Miss)
"Yes...yes you will." Tristan squeezed her shoulder, "We'll do this quickly, and all return together."
Kiah frowned at him, and he chuckled, "Go back to sleep, dear one."
She did just that but prayed that her father would one day respect her as an adult.
The next morning Kalina woke Kiah up early. "Come," she said brightly; we should get you prepared.
"P-prepared?" She blinked sleep from her eyes.
"Yes, you will sing for the Overseer this morning," the servant responded. You must be presentable. She tugged her off the bench.
The bright woman regarded that everyone else was deeply snoozing. Even the sun hadn't risen yet.
(Gather Information: Weak Hit )
Song Hood took a moment to consult her gut. This felt off but not too much so. "O-okay," responded Kiah, "Let's get ready, I suppose."
"Excellent," Kilana replied with a smile. "This way."
With that, the two women raced out of the great hall.
The guards posted at the door chuckled as they did so. "Enacting one of your schemes again?" one of them asked.
Kilana winked, "You know it."
They rushed through the streets to the west side of the city and entered a stone bathhouse. It was steamy and wonderful.
As Kilana helped Kiah wash, the bright woman asked, "Would you mind explaining the rush?"
(What Kind of Sun God Does Serene Greet In The Morning? Manipulate, Enemy)
"Verena Steel Comb is an insufferable hawk." the servant responded while scrubbing Kiah's back.
"You do not mince words." the bright woman responded.
"I do not," Kilana admitted cheerfully. "Every morning she blesses Overseer Serene with a song to Ilsit Bright Hair."
"The Cruel Beauty? Isn't that inviting trouble?" the skald asked.
"Serene feels a kinship to them. I admire the god as well, and I know you showing Verena up will make them smile."
"Do I want Verna as an enemy?" Kiah asked after diving down to come up and rinse out her hair.
"You do," the servant answered, hugging the bright woman like an old friend, "for you will earn me as an ally, and I am sly and wise. I will be Islit, and you will be Nightdottir. Is there any better pairing?"
(Secure Advantage: Strong Hit +1 on Next Move. )
Hearing Nightdottir invoked struck Kiah in the heart. Suddenly the bath glowed like starlight and twinkled around Kiah, granting her mystic majesty.
"No, there is not," she answered.