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  • chrischallice

Session 7 - Darkness and Poison

Updated: Jun 20, 2023

Things are heating up in the Barrier Isles. I'm kind of worried that Great Mount will fall, that would certainly take this game in a direction I didn't expect.

However, we'll see. Reema's pretty cunning and powerful in her own right.

Overseer Serene lounged on her throne to greet the dawn. She was spectacular, dressed in orange and red, the Queen of Flame. A gold goblet filled with red wine was in her hand. Her wardens were arrayed along the walls, dressed in finery, their weapons sharp and bright. Her advisers and messengers were arrayed in a semi-circle around her.

Tristan and Gruff stood in the back and observed. The old warden was tightlipped and worried. Gruff frowned thoughtfully.

"You're right to be concerned," whispered the elder servant Malik. "Kalina's schemes are always outrageous. What she has planned cannot be good."

The door opened and Verena Iron Comb, dressed in chainmail, grey hair tied in silver, stepped in reverently. In her right hand, she held an upright dagger, in her left, a downward one.

Serene smiled brightly and raised her wine. The sun began to stream through the window behind her.

Verena opened her lips... but the voice that started the hymn wasn't hers.

(Compel: Strong Hit)

The Hooded One's music echoed like something ancient and elven throughout the hall. Iron Comb staggered back and out of the way as the songstress approached. The bright woman did so step by step, Kalina advancing before her, sprinkling copper shavings as a carpet. The song was a duet. A sweet, ethereal voice sang the part of Ilsit Bright Hair, while the Hooded One sang as Leucia Nighdottir in a velvety alto. Together their words weaved a plot to teach the gods to respect the Night. It faded when the Hooded One reached Serene's feet, where she bowed.

Serene, as with the rest of the court, was stunned.

Kiah doffed her hood, and, with a smile, said, "Greetings from Great Mount, Overseer of White Haven."

Seeing that it was a mortal who stood before her, Serene let out a sigh of relief, "I should kill you for interrupting our ceremony," she let that hang for a moment, then added, "but I'm afraid the Nightdottir would murder me." Warmly she greeted, "Welcome to my hall skald, and praise be to Bright Hair." She raised her goblet and then drained her wine. The courtiers cheered.


(Oracle: Is a large celebration due? No )

(What Kind of Music Would Serene Want To Hear That Night? Finish Health)

Serene finished her morning court; she requested that Kiah meet her in the garden at the back of the Hall.

Kiah, after getting a hushed earful about needless risks from her father, stepped outside to join her.

Serene's garden was covered with snow, and frost hung in the willow tree like jewels. The Overseer was wrapped up in wolf fur. Kiah was given a woolen cloak to ward off the chill as she stepped outside.

"You were bold, I love it," greeted the Overseer with a wide grin.

"I'm pleased," answered the bright woman.

"Now," Serene sat down on a bench and tapped the space beside her, "sit. Tell me why you're here."

"V-very well," answered Kiah, and she sat, though with some trepidation.

The Queen of Flame chuckled, "You're wondering why we're talking outside, aren't you?"

"It has crossed my mind," the skald admitted.

"Privacy, no one will dare bother us here. Now tell me, little one, why, exactly, are you in White Haven? I trust it was not just to make an enemy of my priestess?"

(Compel: Weak Hit)

"Well..." Kiah responded with the story about visiting Flint in Stone Mark. She also added, "However, the particular greeting I gave you at dawn was inspired by Kalina."

At that Serene laughed and clapped her hands, "Of course, she had a hand in this. Still," she pondered, "I think there's something more to your visit."

Fear rose to Kiah's throat, she was about to protest when the Overseer motioned her to hush. "You are Reema's apprentice, are you not?" Serene asked.

At that, Kiah did a double-take.

Another chuckle from the Overseer, "It's obvious, you wield impressive magic."

The bright woman's mind grasped for an excuse, she then admitted, "'ve got me. My grandmother wants me to find new magic in White Haven."

(Gather Information: Weak Hit )

(Oracle: Undercover Path )

Serene considered this with a thoughtful smile. "Yes, that makes sense. I have heard that Reema is unforgiving; is this true?"

"I fear my Grandmother above all things," Kiah admitted.

"Family is complicated," Serene admitted. Then, patting Kiah's hand, she said, "Seeing as you have been honest with me, I shall reveal to you where you may find some White Haven magic," she held up a warding finger, "If, you sing for us tonight."

"You would do that?" Kiah asked, flabbergasted.

"Oh, don't get me wrong. The path that I will send you on will be a dangerous one, it may kill you, but if you survive, you will gain power."

The bright woman frowned, and nodded, "Yes, that's the luck I'm used to."

Serene laughed again, "Oh you are precious. I'm afraid that, if you perform a perfect Lay of Artiga Curse Blood, I may just have to keep you."


An hour later, Kiah, her father, and her brother explored the market of White Haven.

While they sat and shared breakfast of bread, butter, and tea, the skald told them of the conversation she had with Serene.

"She's not keeping you," stated Tristan.

"I don't want to be kept," agreed Kiah.

Gruff nodded.

"Where Reema's darkness, Serene's poison," the old warden spat.

"I'd much rather be in the Havens," Kiah opined.

An idea struck her father; he grasped her hand, looked into her eyes, and said, "Then, after all this is over, you should go."

"W-what?" stuttered his daughter.

"Remember, that silly oath you made, so long ago?" asked Tristan wistfully.

"You mean about the Saga of Jarn?"

"Indeed," the old warden answered, "you were so angry when I didn't have an ending for you."

Kiah chuckled, "I remember, when you told me the ending was lost, I swore I'd ask the gods for an answer."

"You should do that," Tristan stated plainly.

"True, I did swear an Iron Vow," admitted Kiah, "but I was twelve."

"A vow is a vow,"the old warden pressed, then in a kindly manner, added, "There are greater temples in the Havens. You might get a clue there on the end of the Saga." Then,he stressed, "Even if you find nothing, you'll get away from the darkness and the poison of the isles, you'll see a better world." He chuckled, "Maybe you'll even bring back something bright for us."

Kiah smiled, "You know, after I finish my apprenticeship, I think I will."


Later the bright woman sat again in the bathhouse, this time alone. As she washed, she chanted a low song to Nightdottir, asking for her blessing.

(Secure Advantage: Weak Hit)

The candles around her flickered.

Kiah then breathed in deeply and called her magic.

(Invoke: Strong Hit)

The candles were snuffed out, but the bright woman shone with starlight.


That evening the Hooded One stood in the feast chamber of the Great Hall. Serene at the head, resplendent as always. Iron Comb sat to her right, straight-backed, wise, and attentive. Kalina, dressed in green, and with mistletoe in her hair, sat to the Overseer's left. She looked pensive, even pale. Her court filled the other seats, all dressed brightly as if this were a winter festival. There was a celebratory but cynical air about them. Many chided Kalina.

Tristan and Gruff sat at the end, across from each other.

"What's going on with that servant girl," the old warden asked Malik, who poured him mead.

"Kalina's life is in your daughter's hands," the servant answered. "If she does well, Kalina will be elevated to the priest class. If not, she will be baited."

"What?" Tristan exclaimed.

A couple of nobles glanced at them. Malik motioned the old warden to hush.

"Baiting? White Haven still does that?" Tristan hissed.

Malik nodded sadly, "Our lady has already sent two others to this fate; Kalina will be the third."

Tristian considered this for a moment and then stated, "No. My Kiah will succeed. Your friend is in good hands."

"The Lay of Curse Blood is impossible," opined the servant. "Skalds thrice her age have failed."

"We will see," answered the old Warden.

Meanwhile, Kiah raised her hands, and the crowd hushed.

(Compel: Strong Hit)

The Hooded One's sweet voice echoed through the hall. The feast brightened and warmed as if it were spring. Carefully, the skald traversed the difficult notes and spun through the tragic story. Artiga of the Spring was a lovely woman full of beauty and wisdom; when her father died, she became an Overseer.

The Hooded One's warm voice echoed through the hall. The feast became bright and balmy. Arita's rule was just. Her people adored her. Some wondered if she was Charna in disguise. She had many suitors.

The Hooded One's eerie voice echoed through the hall. The feast was lit in orange, and the food became more flavourful, but the mead had an aftertaste that was too warm. One night Artia's hall was devastated when three of her suitors poisoned each other and everyone else. Uktannu's fet became a barrow, even Arita succumbed.

The Hooded One's mournful voice echoed through the hall. The feast was blanketed in darkness, lit only by wandering ghosts. The air held a chill. All that could be seen of Kia was her chin and red lips as she sang the final verses. How Arita has never rested. How she wanders the Deep Wilds in search of souls to fill her dread, lonely hall.

The enchantment faded, and the feasters were left back in the real world.

All was silent.

Many were in tears. Even Serene, even Verena.

Kiah doffed her hood and asked, humbly, "So, how did I do?"

At that, the Hall erupted in cheers.


Late that night Serene and Iron Comb stood in the frozen garden. Again Serene was in wolf fur. Of course, Verena was in wool.

"You'll really allow that servant into the priesthood?" Iron Comb hissed.

"Of course," answered the Overseer sweetly. "If I did not, it would be unjust."

"She could always succumb the way Arita's suitors did."

Serene let out a mock gasp, "Verena, you will not touch her." Then, with steel in her voice, "I'm serious. You'll simply have to abide. Kalina's cunning is best served to our purpose."

"Then I am to have no satisfaction? They humiliated me!" stormed Iron Comb.

"At ease, friend," the Overseer answered warmly, "while Kalina is beyond your reach, I fully plan to send Kiah Song Hood to her end."

Verena frowned, "Wouldn't that tip your hand early?"

"Not at all," Serene laughed, "her grandmother sent her to get White Haven magic. I will direct her to the kind that will destroy her."

(Fullfill Vow: Go To White Haven - Provide Cover For Grandmother's Priests - Miss! Kiah will have to Forsake her vow. Unbeknownst to everyone, Serene's assassins have killed Reema's priests).

(Forge Bond: Kalina: Weak Hit - She'll ask for something first)



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