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Session - 9 - Welcome Home


Updated: Jul 3, 2023

I'm happy Kiah met with her father and brother. She might not have, if so, the later part of this session would have been finding a boat.

A roll a few sessions ago lead to what happened in the last part of this session. Making those oracle checks had me on the edge of my seat.

After gathering herself, Kiah considered her options.

It would take four days to reach Broken Helm, let alone Great Mount. Four days, by herself, with limited supplies.

(Gather Information: Miss )

The bright woman wondered if she could go to Stone Mark. Yes, she certainly could, it was very close, she'd simply have to go north. There she could find Flint, supplies, and maybe help.

Kiah grinned. Yes, Bayara Doom Axe told her to head straight home, but the goddess was known to be impulsive. Returning with friends was certainly better than returning alone.

(Face Danger: Weak Hit)

The skald struck off up the Ragged Coast, climbing a rocky trail. She followed it for the entire day, the path was rough and treacherous. The cold cut into her, but she kept moving and kept warm. Eventually, she reached the top of the stony cliffs to find herself where two rivers met and crashed down in a waterfall.

At this, Kia let out a cry of outrage. She was sure she was nowhere near Stone Mark. She let out a bitter laugh and sat. She felt it best to spend the night here and then strike off west, keeping an eye on the waterfall and the river below, which should lead her back to the shore.

(Make Camp: Strong Hit)

Kiah made a solid shelter and spent the night by a warm fire. She got some sleep and was refreshed when morning came. She took a steadying breath and struck off for home.

(Undertake a Journey: Weak Hit )

It took a day for Kiah to find a way to cross the river and then pick her way down the cliffs. Luck was with her, and she found a cave to shelter in. She had a quiet dinner and enjoyed a still night, away from the schemes and lies of White Haven.

(Camp: Weak HIt )

(Journey: Weak Hit)

(Does Kiah run into her brother and father? Yes!)

(Did they Escape Without Issue? Yes!)

The next morning Song Hood made it to the frozen shore. She wrapped her cloak around herself tightly and just focused on putting one foot ahead of the other. As she did, a worry bit into her. She had no boat. Without such she'd have to hope to find one onshore and/or flag one down.

Either that or go all the way back and steal one from White Haven.

Or go farther back and somehow find Stone Mark.

This seeped misery into her soul. Why did Doom Axe suggest she go straight home? Was it another test? Was she supposed to develop magic to conjure a boat, or walk on water?

"Hold," an icy voice called out.

Kiah froze.

"Turn, around, slowly."

The skald did just that, her mind scrabbling for a spell that could save her.

One of the men held a torch up to light up her face.

"Kiah?" the first one sobbed, "Thank the gods!"

Suddenly she was enveloped in the arms of her father.

He was weeping.

So was she.


(Resupply: Strong Hit)

The three spent that night by a dimmed fire chatting.

(Did Gruff catch the Omen? No)

"The night you left, I had a dream. Bayara Doom Axe, as real before me as you are now. She ordered Gruff and I to return to Great Mount." Tristan became hesitant, "I am no seer, so I took the vision lightly.

I watched Serene and Iron Comb that morning, they seemed too smug for my taste. Your friend, Kalina suggested we sneak out to help you. I was just about to do just that..."

Gruff shot his sister a shocked look.

"Yes," confirmed Tristan, "that's when the wyverns attacked."

"Wyverns?" Kiah stammered.

"Yes, a colony of them fell upon the city. I took that as a sign from the goddess so Gruff and I stole supplies and fled."

"What happened to the city?" the bright woman asked.

Gruff frowned and nodded.

"Indeed, the warriors of White Haven are made of stern stuff, I'm certain they drove the beasts off."

"I see," mused Kiah. Then, looking up at her father and brother, she said, "I believe I can explain the wyverns." With that, she told her story.

Tritan and Gruff reacted at first with shock, then with slow simmering fury.

"Overseer or no, I'll kill that wretch myself," the Old Warden declared.

Gruff shot him a look as if to say, 'Not if I get to her first.'

Kiah smiled warmly, "The important thing is Bayara saved me and I'm here with you."

"Of course," Tristan agreed, "we will give her a great offering when we get home."


(Undertake Journey: Strong Hit )

The next morning they broke camp, found their hidden ship, and took to the sea.

The wind was in their favor and soon enough they reached a tiny fisher's island with a cozy cove. They spent the night there.

(Make Camp: Weak Hit )

Kiah had a good talk with Gruff, sharing with him, her fears in the wyvern cave. He held her hand and then hugged her, expressing that he'd always be there for her.


(Undertake Journey: Strong HIt)

They struck off the next day, by midafternoon Broken Helm isle was in sight.

(Reach Your Destination: Weak Hit)

(Did Broken Helm Hold Off A Raid from Kayan? No)

(Did Broken Helm Avoid Being Raised? Yes )

As soon as the town was in sight, something was wrong. One of the halls had been blackened by fire. Watchers kept a steady eye out and sounded the horn of alarm when their ship was spotted.

(Fulfill Vow: Return Home Safely: Strong HIt)

They had returned home, but at a very dark time indeed.


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